Mexico: For the immediate lifting of all charges against the CLEP-CEDEP comrades

Systematic harassment has been carried out by the authorities in Mexico against student activists of CLEP-CEDEP. Support the fightback against these repressive methods.

Systematic harassment has been carried out by the authorities in Mexico against student activists of CLEP-CEDEP. Support the fightback against these repressive methods.

Stop the harassment of our comrade Nahúm Monroy!

Support us and sign the resolution!

Almost one year has gone by since the government of Felipe Calderón, in collaboration with the authorities of the National Polytechnic Institute (NPI) and the Army anti-riot units, violently expelled from the area of Zacatenco in the NPI all Non-Accepted Students Movement members (MENA). This was something not seen since 1968. It is another offence against the people's and youth struggle which will always be remembered by the Mexican people.

Back in 1968 the brutality used by the police against hundreds of students and their parents was widely known. They were abused, beaten and tortured, and 9 students were sent to the North Penitentiary accused of damaging private property, illegal possession of explosives and kidnapping.

Just as we are a few days away from the anniversary of that repressive action and just as the 16th Federal Penal Court is about to pass judgement on the CLEP-CDEP members, a new campaign of threats and harassment against our comrades has been launched by the Federal Government together with the authorities of the IPN. On the 15th and 17th of July our comrade Nahúm Pérez Monroy was harassed in his own house and received threatening phone calls demanding that he abandon any participation in the student movement. Other comrades have been victims of the same methods, and some have been even been followed and chased by vans up to their front doors.

The CEDEP-CLEP is a democratic student organisation which has tirelessly defended a free, scientific and public education for all working class students. This is uncomfortable for the education authorities and stands in the way of the privatisation plans of Calderón and Vázquez Mota. However, the CEDEP - CLEP is not going to stop its mobilisations, struggles and street mobilisations.

We hold Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, Enrique Villa Rivera and José Narro Robles responsible for the physical and psychological integrity of our comrades as well as any acts of repression that will follow this denunciation.

For the immediate lifting of all charges against comrades Isaac Castro, Héctor Aguilar and Nahúm Monroy!

Stop repressing and criminalising the youth!

Read this article in Spanish.

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