National sections of the RCI

Europe Middle East Africa Australasia Asia


Nigeria - Marxist Alternative

South Africa - Revolution



Malaysia - Ombak Revolusi

Pakistan - Lal Salam

Taiwan - The Spark(火花)



New Zealand - Socialist Appeal


Latin America

Argentina - Revolución

Brazil - Organização Comunista Internacionalista

Colombia - Colombia Marxista

El Salvador - Revolución Comunista

Mexico - Organización Comunista Revolucionaria

Venezuela - Lucha de Clases


North America

Canada - Communist Revolution

Québec - Révolution Communiste

USA - Revolutionary Communists of America


Middle East

Arabic -



Austria - Der Funke

Belgium - Flemish: Vonk, French: Révolution

Britain - Revolutionary Communist Party

Scotland - Revolution Scotland

Czechia and Slovakia - Marxistická Alternativa

Denmark - Revolutionært Kommunistisk Parti

France - Révolution

Finland - Vallankumous

Germany - Der Funke

Greece - Epanastasi (Communist Tendency)

IrelandRevolutionary Communists of Ireland

Italy - Sinistra classe rivoluzione

Netherlands - Revolutie

Norway - Revolusjon

Poland - Czerwony Front

Portugal - Colectivo Marxista

Spain - Organización Comunista Revolucionaria

Catalonia - Organització Comunista Revolucionària

Sweden - Revolutionära Kommunistiska Partiet

Switzerland - German: Revolutionäre Kommunistische Partei, French: Parti communiste révolutionnaire

Ukraine - Комуна

Yugoslavia - Serbo-Croatian: Crvena Kritika, Macedonian:


Campaigns and other websites

Bolshevik 1917

Hands off Venezuela

Ted Grant Internet Archive
See also: Ted Grant Commemoration Appeal

Marxist writers Internet Archive