
Title Created Date Author
Lenin's Last Struggle 20 January 2023 Alan Woods
Karl Marx: the man, thinker and revolutionary 04 May 2018 Alan Woods
Once Again: In Defence of Lenin - a reply to Orlando Figes 09 November 2017 Rob Sewell
Leon Trotsky: the life of a revolutionary 25 October 2017 International Marxist Tendency
N. G. Markin 25 May 2017
F. E. Dzerzhinsky 24 May 2017 Karl Radek
One hundred years ago: Trotsky leaves Canada for the revolution 29 April 2017 Julien Arseneau
In Defence of Lenin 21 January 2014 Rob Sewell
Leon Trotsky: the man and his ideas 20 August 2012 Rob Sewell
Lenin, His Youth, and His Formation 22 April 2010 Ted Sprague
Ted Grant on Trotsky's relevance today 18 August 2006 Ted Grant
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: The relevance of his ideas today 15 January 2004 Rob Sewell
Lenin (Encyclopedia Britannica) 01 January 1929 Leon Trotsky
Mikhail Frunze 13 November 1925 Leon Trotsky
Jacob Sverdlov 13 March 1925 Leon Trotsky
Lenin 01 January 1925 Leon Trotsky
Revolutionary Silhouettes 23 March 1923 Anatoly Lunacharsky