Mexico: Freedom to the arrested of the #26FebMx!

On 26 February the 2015, the Ninth International day of Action for Ayotzinapa took place. Thousands of people, mainly students, took to the streets of Mexico City in order to demand the return of the 43 students that went missing on 26 September 2014 in Iguala, Guerrero. Five months have passed and the versions of the events, told by the Mexican federal government have all shown to fall apart under scrutiny.

The slogan “Fue el Estado” (“It was the State”) has had an echo on the national and international level and is broader than the slogans "Fuera Peña Nieto" ("Peña Nieto out") and “Estamos cansados de este gobierno” (“We are tired of this government”). 

The protest started out without trouble from Ángel de la Independencia to the National Auditorium, a route which had been permitted by the police.

As has been the norm in all protests since September, the Federal District police carried out provocations throughout the demonstration which ended with the police attacking small groups of students who were leaving beating and arbitrarily arresting some. Even transit police officers took part in these actions.

Among the detainees there are under-age IPN and UNAM students. This is the list of the arrested and where they are now:

Place: Ministerio Público, número 4. Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, Parque Lira s/n, esquina Sostenes Rocha. The closest metro station is Tacubaya. 

Arrested: Oscar Daniel Hernández, second semester student at CCH Naucalpan. 

rrr1Place: Juzgado Cívico Cuauhtémoc 1 (CUH-1). Lerdo No. 322, Col. San Simón Tolnáhuac, close to Tlatelolco metro station.


Bryan Reyes, third semester student at IPN’s CECyT 7

César Alejandro Villagrán Pérez, 18 years old

Guadalupe Aidee Ramos Pineda, 21 years old

Leonardo Alvirde de la Concha, student at UNAM’s Preparatoria 8  

The State is responding with more repression to the demands for justice in the case of the 43 disappeared students from Ayotzinapa. Two days ago the retired teacher Claudio Castillo died in hospital after receiving head trauma by the violent attack of the police against a teachers' demonstration in Guerrero. To protest is a right and repression is a crime. This corrupt and discredited government only offers repression. This shows it's fear of the teachers and students' movement. We should respond by increasing organisation and unity. We call all student organisations, trade unions and popular and civil society organisations to demand the release of the students detained during the demonstration of the 26 of February as well as to continue fighting for the return of our missing students comrades alive and for a radical change in our society.

February 26, 2015



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