After Chavez refused to renew the licence for the RCTV channel a hue and
cry has been raised throughout the bourgeois media about so-called "freedom of
the press". Here we provide a quote from The ABC
of Communism, Chapter Three, by N.I. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhensky which
eloquently puts the Marxist case.
Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution is a classic. Published originally in 1932, it was the first time that an in-depth history had been written of the Revolution by such a leading participant. It is not simply a dramatic narrative, but a profound analysis of the inner forces of the Revolution. It is fitting that Wellred has issued the book on the 90th anniversary of these world-shattering events. Buy volume 1, volume 2, and volume 3 from Wellred Publications.
This month marks 90 years since Lenin returned to Russia from
exile. He immediately embarked on the task of convincing not only the mass of
workers, but also the Bolshevik leadership, that the tasks of the revolution
were socialist, that what was needed was for power to pass to the hands of the