The May Day challenge
May Day is the only event that transcends all divisions of religion, race, nationality or any other prejudice of the past amongst human beings. It is commemorated in all continents.
May Day is the only event that transcends all divisions of religion, race, nationality or any other prejudice of the past amongst human beings. It is commemorated in all continents.
This article, which was published in the Workers' Republic in September in 1915 demonstrates Connolly's ideas around the treatment of working women in Ireland. Specifically the way that women were exploited by capitalism. 97 years later these ideas have lost none of their power and clarity.
This article was originally written for an Indonesian audience, but we believe it is of value for all our readers. It points out the conditions in which the Fourth International came into being and its subsequent demise, but also points to the future when a new and powerful Marxist international organisation must be formed out of the revolutionary events that impend.