[Audio] The Russian Revolution 7th November marks the anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia (25th October in the Old Style calendar). The Russian Revolution was the single greatest event in human history, marking the first occasion - with the exception of the brief episode of the Paris Commune of 1871 - when the exploited and oppressed overthrew their exploiters and oppressors. To celebrate this historic event, we publish here a recording from the Bristol Marxist society, in which Adam Booth - editor of www.socialist.net - provides an analysis of 1917, outlining the key processes during the Revolution, and drawing out the main lessons for Marxists today.
‘Solidarity with the Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine’ London meeting (AUDIO + VIDEO) Click here to view the videos and listen to the audio files of the Solidarity with the Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine meeting in London, with Richard Brenner, Lindsey German, Boris Kagarlitsky, Andrew Murray, Alan Woods and Sergei Kirichuk. LINK
[Video] Kiev authorities attack democratic rights and arm fascist gangs Over the past weeks tensions have been rising in Ukraine. Offices of left-wing organisations and trade unions have been raided and the "acting government" has started proceedings to ban the Communist Party. Along with the building up of several armed bodies composed mainly of fascists and Nazi elements it is clear that the regime is stepping up the civil war against the peoples of the East. In the meantime Russia and Germany, for their own interests, are trying to broker a deal. Jorge Martin explains the situation from a Marxist point of view and makes an appeal to build solidarity with Ukrainian anti-fascists.