Pakistán: el parlamentario marxista Manzoor Ahmed frente a una rica industrial Spanish translation of The Pakistani Elections: Marxist MP Manzoor Ahmed vs. Wealthy Industrialist (January 28, 2008)
Atentado en Karachi. El fascista MQM intenta sabotear el movimiento de masas Spanish translation of Bomb Blast in Karachi – Fascist MQM tries to sabotage the mass movement (January 16, 2008)
La intervención de los marxistas pakistaníes en el movimiento contra el asesinato de Benazir Bhutto Spanish translation of The intervention of the Pakistani Marxists in the movement against the assassination of Benazir Bhutto (January 9, 2008)
Pakistán: el gobierno encubre el crimen, las masas exigen acción contra los conspiradores Spanish translation of Pakistan: Government covers up the crime - masses demand action against conspirators (December 30, 2007)
Pakistán: El asesinato de Benazir Bhutto Spanish translation of Pakistan: The assassination of Benazir Bhutto (December 27, 2007)
Pakistán serias amenazas a los marxistas durante la campaña electoral Spanish translation of Pakistan: serious threats to Marxists during election campaign (December 19, 2007)
Rusia: huelga clave en la planta Ford de Leningrado (San Petersburgo) Spanish translation of Russia: Key strike at the Ford plant in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) (December 4, 2007)
Mensaje de Manzoor Ahmed desde el calabozo a los trabajadores del mundo Spanish translation of Manzoor Ahmed’s message from a police cell - To the workers of the world16 November 2007
URGENTE: ¡El compañero Manzoor Ahmed detenido! Spanish translation of URGENT: Comrade Manzoor arrested! 16 November 2007
La independencia de la India. Marx y la historia india Spanish translation of Indian Independence - Marx and Indian history (June 2007)
Pakistán: Los oprimidos despiertan de su sueño, el sabotaje no les detendrá Spanish translation of Pakistan: The oppressed awaken from their slumber – sabotage won’t stop them (October 22, 2007)
Tres millones de personas reciben a Benazi Bhutto. El legado de 1968-69 continúa Spanish translation of Three Million Receive Benazir Bhutto - the legacy of 1968-69 continues (October 19, 2007)
Inestabilidad política en Japón Spanish translation of Japan’s Political Instability by Adam Fulsom (October 8, 2007)
Nepal: Los maoístas abandonan el gobierno Spanish translation of Nepal: The Maoists quit the government by Pablo Sanchez (September 28, 2007)
La tragedia de Myanmar Spanish translation of The tragedy of Myanmar by Fred Weston (September 28, 2007)