Venezuelan President Maduro calls for a Constituent Assembly During his speech at a massive Bolivarian May Day rally, Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, has announced the convening of a National Constituent Assembly, which he described as a workers’ and communal assembly. The Venezuelan opposition has immediately rejected this as part of the “regime’s coup” and has called for an escalation of protests.
General strike in Brazil: Workers fight back against corrupt Temer government On Friday, Brazilian workers and unions led the first general strike in Brazil for over two decades, protesting austerity measures, and in particular harsh cuts in pensions, which are being implemented by the corrupt Temer government.
Brésil : à la veille d’une grève générale, des scandales de corruption affaiblissent le gouvernement Temer De nouvelles révélations montrent que la corruption coule dans les veines de la politique brésilienne. Une enquête portant le nom « Opération Lava Jato» - un réseau de blanchiment d'argent et de corruption lié à l'entreprise publique Petrobras et à un certain nombre de politiques - est en cours depuis 2014. Pas plus tard que la semaine dernière, cette enquête a mené à une nouvelle vague d'accusations contre d’autres membres du Congrès. Tous les partis politiques sont impliqués dans le scandale. La gangrène de l’Etat brésilien est claire pour tout le monde.
100 Years Since Vimy Ridge: Canada’s ‘founding myth’ Obscures Reality of Imperialist War April 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Fought as part of the larger British-led Battle of Arras during the First World War, the battle was the first instance in which all four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) fought together. The success of the unified Canadian Corps in capturing the ridge from German troops, after failed efforts to do so by British and French forces, has steadily grown in significance in recent decades to attain the status of a founding myth, in which Vimy represented Canada’s birth as a nation. This mythologized narrative obscures the true nature of an imperialist war that led to the death of millions, while furthering...
Perspectives for the US Revolution 2017 We live in an epoch of instability, austerity, war, crisis, revolution, and counterrevolution. Sharp and sudden changes that erupt seemingly out of nowhere are implicit in the situation. Capitalism is at an impasse on a world scale and can no longer meaningfully develop the means of production or improve the quality of life of the majority. The crisis is expressed in every country and at every level of society, with intense polarization to both the left and the right.
Brasil: los escándalos de corrupción debilitan al presidente Temer en vísperas de una huelga general Ha habido nuevas revelaciones sobre la corrupción que corre por las venas de la política brasileña. Una investigación sobre lo que se conoce como 'Operación Lava Coches' (Lava Jato) –una red de lavado de dinero y soborno con enlaces con la petrolera estatal Petrobrás y una serie de políticos– ha estado en curso desde 2014. En fecha tan reciente como la semana pasada, esta investigación ha producido una nueva ola de acusaciones contra más miembros todavía del Congreso de todos los partidos políticos. La suciedad avariciosa que salpica al Estado brasileño es clara para que todo el que la vea.
I cospiratori al soldo dell’imperialismo gridano al colpo di stato – Cosa sta realmente accadendo in Venezuela? “C’è stato un colpo di stato in Venezuela! Maduro ha cercato di prendere tutto il potere!”. A pochi giorni dal quindicesimo anniversario del colpo di stato (di breve durata) contro Chavez il presidente democraticamente eletto (11-13 aprile 2002), gli stessi che avevano portato avanti quel glope (ovvero l’oligarchia venezuelana e i loro padroni di Washington con il proprio seguito di tirapiedi a Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Santiago del Cile e Lima, applauditi da quel branco di lupi che sono i media a Madrid e negli Stati Uniti) ora gridano e urlano come iene contro un presunto “auto golpe” del presidente Maduro.
Brazil: corruption scandals weaken Temer government on the eve of a general strike There have been fresh revelations about the corruption coursing through the veins of Brazilian politics. An investigation into what has become known as ‘Operation Car Wash’ (Lava Jato) - a money laundering and bribery scheme with links to state-owned oil company Petrobras and a number of politicians - has been ongoing since 2014. As recently as last week, this investigation has produced a fresh wave of allegations against even more members of Congress from all political parties. The money-grubbing filth with which the Brazilian state is spattered is clear for all to see.
Liberdade e Luta: the development of a revolutionary mood in Brazil “Freedom is the goal, and struggle is the method”, says Lucy Dias, a university student and revolutionary activist from the organisation Liberdade e Luta (Freedom and Struggle), “but there can’t be real freedom under capitalism”. We’re sitting, along with 1500 other young socialists and political activists, in a vast warehouse in the old port district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Defiant slogans decorate the walls and the building is awash with militant singing and lively drum beats. This is an international camp for young people who want to fight for their future, organised by Juntos!, a broad youth organisation. Here, there’s no doubt that spirit of freedom and struggle is...
The Crisis of American Healthcare To say that the American healthcare system is criminally expensive and convoluted would be an understatement.
Unlimited strike in French Guyana: We are all Guyanese! French Guyana has recently seen the largest mobilization in the history of the country. Last Saturday, 37 unions organized in the Union of Guyanese Workers (UTG), decided to call for an unlimited general strike starting on Monday, March 27th. The general strike involved almost all of the workers from the various industries.
Imperialist coup plotters rail against a coup - what is really happening in Venezuela? “There’s been a coup in Venezuela! Maduro has carried out a power-grab!” Just a few days before the 15th anniversary of the short lived coup against the democratically elected president Chavez (11-13 April, 2002), those who carried out that coup (the Venezuelan oligarchy, their masters in Washington and its lapdogs in Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Santiago de Chile and Lima, cheered on by the media wolf pack in Madrid and the US) are now shouting and screaming like hyenas against an alleged “self coup” by president Maduro.
Chile: end of the copper strike and mass mobilization against private pensions system After 43 days of striking at the world's largest copper mine, Minera Escondida in Chile, the workers have decided to return to work by accepting an extension of the current contract. This means the workers maintain all the conditions and benefits that the company wanted to destroy.
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois joins Quebec solidaire : Opportunities and challenges The moment that everyone was waiting for has finally arrived: On Thursday, March 9th, Gabriel-Nadeau Dubois, the celebrated student leader from 2012, announced that he will be joining Quebec solidaire. He will be the candidate for the party in the riding of Gouin and also desires to become the male spokesperson for the party. He said he wants to get rid of the "political class" that has governed for 30 years and has "betrayed Quebec".
The dilemma facing the US ruling class In certain conditions, all things can turn into their opposite. Prior to the arrival of its latest resident, the White House had long been a symbol of the immense stability and confidence of the USA’s political regime. Today it stands at the centre of an almighty political crisis.