Brazil: The bourgeoisie are divided - It is time to move forward! The Temer government is trying to hang on to power, by playing up growth in the economy and by accelerating its legislation attacking the working class. Yesterday Termer’s supporters in the Senate succeeded in approving the Committee of Economic Affairs’ (CAE) report on Labour Reform. The intention is to demonstrate that this government, despite lacking any social base, might still be of some use to its capitalist masters.
United States: The Scalise Shooting and the Poison of Terrorism On Wednesday, June 14, Americans received the jarring news that a US Congressman had been shot down during practice for a bipartisan baseball charity event. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) remains critically wounded. The gunman, who perished in the shootout with police officers, has been identified as James T. Hodgkinson of suburban small-town Illinois. A nation chronically desensitized to images of sensational and senseless violence stopped its morning routine to observe the disturbing development of a mass shooting—something ordinarily reserved for ...
Venezuela: Our programme for the Constituent Assembly The calling of a National Constituent Assembly (ANC) has been issued in the middle of one of the worst offensives of the counter-revolution and imperialism in the last eighteen years. In this political situation, the convening of a Constituent Assembly has awoken important revolutionary aspirations among sections of the workers’ and people's vanguard, who are ready to fight to elect deputies to the Constituent Assembly who come from the rank and file and defend a programme of revolutionary demands.
[Venezuela] Comrades from Marea Socialista: Who is the enemy? Marea Socialista states that the main problem facing Venezuela is the authoritarian shift of the Maduro government. Starting from a wrong premise they reach conclusions which are completely mistaken and put them on the wrong side of the barricade. Let’s see.
Declaración de Lucha de Clases: Nuestro programa ante la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente La convocatoria a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente se ha efectuado en medio de una de las peores ofensivas de la contrarrevolución y el imperialismo en estos 18 años. En ése marco político, la convocatoria a Constituyente a despertado aspiraciones revolucionarias importantes entre sectores de la vanguardia obrera y popular, que están dispuestos a dar la batalla política de cara a las elecciones del próximo 30 de Julio para posicionar dentro de la ANC a diputados de la base obrera y popular que defienden un programa de reivindicaciones revolucionarias, frente a la macoya burocrática que tratará de imponerse por todos los medios posibles, derivando ello en la imposición de un programa...
Trump Vows to Leave the Paris Accord President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that the United States will withdraw from the Paris accord. After a fraught meeting with the other G7 countries, he unilaterally withdrew from the accords. This marks a decisive turning point in world relations, and shows the inability of capitalism to create a sustainable future for humanity on this planet.
Extraordinary 2017 Congress of the US IMT For the comrades of the International Marxist Tendency, Marxism is the historical memory of the working class. In its struggle with the bourgeoisie, the victories, defeats, traditions, and hopes of the workers are distilled and synthesized into a revolutionary theory of action. This “unbroken thread” extends back in time, an uninterrupted line of thought beginning with Marx and Engels, developed further by Lenin and Trotsky, and taken into the modern epoch by those who have worked for world revolution since Trotsky’s death.
Brazil: a divided bourgeoisie faces the rising workers' struggle Michel Temer's government, which was sworn in after Dilma Roussef's impeachment trial last year, is a government without a social base of support (with only 4 percent support) and has faced massive popular demonstrations against it over the last period.
Brasil: burguesia dividida e ascensão da luta dos trabalhadores O governo de Michel Temer, empossado após o processo de impeachment de Dilma Roussef (PT) no ano passado, é um governo que não tem base social (está com 4% de apoio) e tem enfrentado massivas manifestações populares no último período.
Mise à jour sur la situation économique et politique au Canada en 2017 L’atmosphère au pays commence à changer, et sous la surface, elle a effectivement changé au cours de la dernière période. Au Québec et en Alberta, la situation politique se caractérise déjà par un antagonisme tranché et des tournants rapides vers la gauche et la droite. Les premiers contours d’une polarisation politique peuvent être décelés au sein des courses à la chefferie des partis fédéraux conservateur et néo-démocrate. Parallèlement, la popularité dont Trudeau jouissait après les élections commence à s’estomper.
Venezuela: le elezioni dell’assemblea costituente e l’offensiva reazionaria per il cambiamento di regime Il 23 maggio scorso il Presidente Maduro ha annunciato le regole per la convocazione dell’Assemblea Costituente e allo stesso tempo ha fatto appello al Consiglio elettorale nazionale (CNE) per convocare le elezioni regionali, che erano state sospese dal 2016.Il CNE ha annunciato che le elezioni per l’assemblea costituente si terranno alla fine di luglio e quelle regionali ( per l’elezione dei governatori e dei consigli legislativi ) in Dicembre.
Venezuela: as eleições para a assembleia constituinte e a ofensiva reacionária pela “mudança do regime” A convocação da Assembleia Constituinte e das eleições Regionais foi respondida com uma escalada da política de “mudança do regime” por parte da oposição. Este é um momento crítico para a Revolução Bolivariana na Venezuela.Em 23 de maio, o Presidente Maduro anunciou as regras para a convocação da Assembleia Constituinte e, ao mesmo tempo, pediu ao CNE (Conselho Nacional Eleitoral) para convocar as eleições regionais que estavam suspensas desde 2016.
''The Venezuelan opposition does not want democracy or elections'' - an interview with Jorge Martin The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela is facing its most challenging times. The right-wing opposition, backed by the United States, is engaged in a full-blown “regime change” campaign, with violent protests occurring daily for over 2 months and resulting in over 50 casualties. The chavista supporters of the government have also taken to the streets in defence of the Bolivarian Revolution, and President Maduro surprised everyone by calling for a Constituent Assembly. To better understand the situation and where it might lead to, Investig’Action have interviewed Jorge Martín, the secretary of the “Hands Off Venezuela”...
Defend Venezuelan revolution against reactionary opposition! On Monday 22nd May a sizeable group of Venezuelan opposition supporters attempted to disrupt a solidarity meeting in London. Who are they and what did they want?
Canada: 2017 Congress Marks Impressive Advance of Canadian Marxists Over 110 revolutionaries gathered in Toronto May 20-22 for the 17th congress of Fightback and La Riposte Socialiste, the supporters of the International Marxist Tendency in Canada. The three-day congress brought attendees from Montreal, Waterloo, Hamilton, Ottawa, Oshawa and Edmonton, plus international guests from Sweden and Britain. The level of enthusiasm was incredibly high as the congress marked significant advances for the Marxist movement in Canada and Quebec.