
Though reform of the US healthcare system is now considered common sense, the Democrats cannot and will not deliver. Only a mass independent political force—with single payer placed at the top of its agenda—is capable of winning this fight.

El pasado domingo, contra muchos pronósticos, el Psuv logró una victoria contundente sobre la MUD en los comicios regionales. De los 23 estados que componen la geografía nacional, el Psuv obtuvo la victoria en 18, incluyendo estados de importante población urbana como Carabobo y Aragua, y reconquistando estados como Miranda y Lara, que habían estado por casi una década en manos de la oposición, mientras que la MUD tan sólo logró la victoria en 5, incluyendo tres estados fronterizos, a saber, Zulia, Táchira y Mérida.

En medio del jolgorio electoral del partido gobernante, Cambiemos, la aparición de un cuerpo en las aguas del río Chubut que podría ser el de Santiago Maldonado, recrudeció con virulencia el tema de la desaparición forzada de Santiago. El último trayecto de la campaña electoral quedó así, empantanado para los partidos del régimen ante la conmoción de la mayoría del país por esta noticia.

Una victoria contundente de la MUD el próximo domingo, obteniendo la mayoría de las gobernaciones del país, incluyendo aquellos estados que contienen los principales centros urbanos de la nación, sería un golpe nefasto para la revolución, que sentaría las bases para una nueva ofensiva violenta de la contrarrevolución con miras a derrocar al gobierno y aplastar a la revolución. Los marxistas de Lucha de Clases nos oponemos totalmente a ello, por lo que llamamos una vez más a las masas a votar contra los candidatos de la contrarrevolución y el imperialismo.

A série de atos com a presença de Alan Woods na América Latina chegou ao seu fim com um ato vitorioso no Rio de Janeiro. Na noite de segunda-feira (9/10), durante uma semana de feriadão, reuniram-se mais de 100 pessoas no Salão Nobre do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da UFRJ, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, para comemorar o centenário da Revolução Russa e estudar e debater sua atualidade com o lançamento do livro “Stálin”, de Leon Trotsky.

In the second leg of his Latin American tour, Alan Woods of the International Marxist Tendency enjoyed a rapturous reception across Brazil as he launched the newly updated edition of Trotsky's final masterpiece: his unfinished biography of Stalin.

On October 9th, 1967 Ernesto “Che” Guevara was killed by the Bolivian army, backed by the United States. Fifty years later, Guevara remains one of the most popular revolutionaries amongst workers and youth around the world. To commemorate the figure of Che, but also, and most importantly, to understand the relevance of his life and ideas to today's struggles, we are publishing an edited version of an article written for the Italian Marxists’ theoretical magazine ten years ago on the 40th anniversary of his death.

En el marco de la conmemoración del aniversario de los 100 años de la Revolución de Octubre, el camarada Alan Woods ofreció una serie de charlas en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA) y Rosario.

Editor of, Alan Woods, has begun a speaking tour of Latin America with meetings organized by Marxists in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. The tour will continue in November with a series of meetings in Mexico City, organised by Esteban Volkov (Trotsky’s grandson) and the Trotsky Museum.

Three years ago, the police murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO brought to the surface the brutality faced by the black and poor population of the city of St. Louis and its surrounding suburbs. Now, the city finds itself in the news again with a murderous police officer at the center of the story. Brown’s killing in 2014 at the hands of Ferguson PD officer Darren Wilson was simply the spark that ignited a flame that eventually led to the nationwide prominence of Black Lives Matter, which can trace its origins to the murder of Trayvon Martin in 2012. Today, however, none of the problems which caused this social explosion have been resolved. In fact, they have only worsened.

Two hurricanes have hit the US Southeast in two weeks. The total death toll has surpassed one hundred. Hundreds of thousands of households have lost everything. In the Florida Keys alone, 25 percent of all homes have been completely destroyed. Millions of lives have been ruined and many areas will never be restored to their previous level.

On 1 August the Argentinian social activist Santiago Maldonado was abducted by the National Gendarmerie and has not been seen since. This case is linked to the repression of the land rights movement of the Mapuche indigenous people. It is part of a wider pattern of repression and attacks on social, economic and trade union rights carried out by the right-wing government of Macri.