
El martes 23 de mayo marcó un nuevo punto de inflexión en la crisis venezolana. La convocatoria de elecciones a asamblea constituyente y regionales fue respondida con una profundización de la política de “cambio de régimen” por parte de la oposición. Son momentos críticos para la revolución bolivariana.

Alan Woods, editor of In Defence of Marxism, discusses Donald Trump's visit to the Middle East, which is taking place at a convenient time for the new president, who requires a distraction from the crisis facing his administration back home.

La révolution bolivarienne au Venezuela est confrontée à l’une de ses plus graves crises depuis l’élection de Chavez en 1998. Pendant 40 jours, le gouvernement a été l’objet de protestations violentes quasi continues, menées par l’opposition de droite, et combinées aux provocations de Washington et des gouvernements de droite latino-américains. Le but est clair : renverser le gouvernement par tous les moyens.

De Bolivariaanse revolutie in Venezuela heeft met de ergste crisis af te rekenen sinds de verkiezing van president Chávez in 1998. De rechtse oppositie voert de voorbije 40 dagen ononderbroken gewelddadige protesten aan tegen de regering en de provocatieve verklaringen van Washington en rechtse Latijns Amerikaanse regimes doen er nog een schepje bovenop. De bedoeling is duidelijk: de huidige regering met alle mogelijke middelen ten val brengen!

As reviravoltas diárias da vida sob o regime de Trump têm sua forma de fazer 2016 parecer uma lembrança remota. Mas, com o espetáculo de Hillary Clinton se juntando a #TheResistance e com a repentina demissão do diretor do FBI, James Comey, por Trump justo alguns dias depois de testemunhar ante o Comitê Judiciário do Senado sobre alegações de que ele teria influenciado a eleição, todas as camadas da sociedade estão fazendo uma séria reflexão sobre primárias, eleição e a trajetória que levou a este ponto.

An update on the Economic and Political Situation in Canada 2017

Relative calm and stability have seemed to define Canadian politics in a world marked by crisis, instability, abrupt shocks and sharp polarization. International commentators have highlighted the strength of the political “centre” in Canada. The Economist even ran an article titled “Canada: The last Liberals” after the victory of Donald Trump in the American elections last fall. Will Canada continue to be an “island of stability” surrounded by a storm affecting world politics, economy and international relations?

The daily twists and turns of life under the Trump regime have a way of making 2016 seem like a distant memory. But with the spectacle of Hillary Clinton joining #TheResistance, and FBI director James Comey's sudden dismissal by Trump, just days after testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee over allegations that he may have influenced the election, all layers of society are doing some serious reflection on the caucuses and primaries, the election, and the road that led to this point.

The government of Brazil, headed by Michel Temer of the right-wing PMDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party), is deeply unpopular. Meanwhile the PT (Workers’ Party), which has traditionally been the main Left party in Brazil, is mired in corruption scandals.

On April 28 we saw a massive general strike in Brazil, the first in over twenty years, which we reported on, but before this, in Argentina there were dramatic events during a mass trade union rally where the union leaders were booed and shouted down and had to escape the wrath of the workers, escorted by security guards - “unprecedented” for a trade union rally in Argentina. The reason for the anger was the refusal of the leaders to fix the date for a general strike. In both Brazil and Argentina the working class is on the move. Here we provide a report from our comrades in Argentina.

El Primero de Mayo, cientos de miles de personas marcharon en Caracas en defensa de los derechos de los trabajadores y la revolución bolivariana. Los medios de comunicación internacionales, que han prestado mucha atención a Venezuela y tenían corresponsales en Caracas ese día, fueron unánimes en su silencio. Ni una sola mención a la manifestación. Aquí va mi crónica.

On May Day, hundreds of thousands marched in Caracas in defence of workers' rights and the Bolivarian revolution. The mass media internationally, which has been paying a lot of attention to Venezuela and had correspondents in Caracas at the time, was unanimous in its silencing of this demonstration. Here's my account. 

El presidente Maduro ha convocado a la realización de una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente. ¿Qué papel jugará este proceso en la actual crisis que vive la Revolución Bolivariana? Permitirá la Constituyente radicalizar hacia la izquierda de manera definitiva la revolución, derrotando así a las fuerzas de la reacción burguesa e imperialista de una vez por todas, o será este nuevamente un proceso político estéril, como ocurrió con el Congreso de la Patria? El siguiente artículo constituye el primer pronunciamiento oficial de la Corriente Marxista Lucha de Clases sobre la convocatoria a Constituyente, las tareas de la revolución y las perspectivas para la lucha de clases en Venezuela.

The student movement in Canada is going through an important development that has been prepared over the last six years. Beginning in 2011, revolutionaries organized with Fightback/La Riposte socialiste magazines have been engaging in systematic organizing on university and college campuses across the country. These efforts have resulted in the establishment of active groups on over 15 campuses, with plans to expand further.

Durante su discurso en una masiva manifestación bolivariana el 1º de mayo, el presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ha anunciado la convocatoria de una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, que describió como una asamblea obrera y comunal. La oposición venezolana ha rechazado inmediatamente esto como parte del “golpe de estado del régimen” y ha hecho un llamamiento a favor de una escalada de las protestas.