Aklın İsyanı ’nın Havana Kitap Fuarında Tanıtımı Turkish translation of Presentation of Reason in Revolt at the Havana Book Fair (February 7, 2005)
İsa'nın Çilesi - Mel Gibson’un Filminin Bir Eleştirisi Turkish translation of The Passion of the Christ Directed by Mel Gibson Part One and Part Two By Rob Sewell (April 18, 2004)
Çin’de “Sosyal Olarak Savunmasız Grupların” Durumu Turkish translation of The Status of "Socially Vulnerable Groups" in China by Anfanger November, 2003
Ortadoğu “Yol Haritası” Başarısızlığa Mahkûm Turkish translation of "The Middle East 'Road Map' is destined to fail By Yossi Schwartz (June 8, 2003)
“İlaçtan Turkish translation of "Dying for drugs"- Health warning: capitalism kills! y Jordi Martorell (May 2003).
Ne yapmali? Mevcut Durum ve Marksistlerin Görevleri Turkish translation of "What is to be done?- The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists". By Alan Woods (April 3, 2003).
Dünya Devriminin Olasılıkları Turkish translation of "Prospects for the world revolution. Part One - Two - Three - Four. (September 16, 2002).