Que signifie l’invasion de Gaza ? French translation of The invasion of Gaza: what does it mean? – Part One and Two (January 8, 2009)
Griechenland: Ein Vorgeschmack auf die kommenden Ereignisse in Europa German translation of Revolutionary ferment in Greece – a taste of what is to come for the whole of Europe (January 12, 2009)
سرمایہ داری کا عالمی بحران، مرض بڑھتا گیا جوں جوں دواکی Urdu translation of The crisis of world capitalism is gathering speed (December 17, 2008)
Die Bedeutung des Kriegs im Gaza - eine marxistische Analyse German translation of The invasion of Gaza: what does it mean? – Part One and Two (January 8, 2009)
A invasão de Gaza: o que significa? (Parte I) Portuguese translation of The invasion of Gaza: what does it mean? – Part One (January 8, 2009)
الامبريالية في غزة لنوقف المجزرة Arabic translation of Madrid: Jornada de solidaridad estudiantil con el pueblo palestino (January 19, 2009)