La crisis en Oriente Medio se profundiza Spanish translation of The crisis in the Middle East deepens by Yossi Schwartz (October 25, 2006)
El fiasco de la ofensiva israelí Spanish translation of The fiasco of the Israeli offensive by Greg Oxley (August 23, 2006)
Guerra en Líbano: Las primeras fisuras en la clase dominante israelí Spanish translation of War in Lebanon: the first cracks in the Israeli ruling class by Yossi Schwartz (August 11, 2006)
Oriente Medio: La explosión ha llegado Spanish translation of The Middle East - The Explosion Has Come by Alon Lessel in Israel (July 13, 2006)
La barbarie de la clase dominante israelí Spanish translation of The barbarism of the Israeli ruling class by Fred Weston (July 13, 2006)
Palestina: Masacre en la Playa de Gaza Spanish translation of Gaza beach killings highlight need for revolutionary change by Yossi Schwartz (June 12, 2006)
La masacre de Haditha: “La democracia asesinó a la familia que estaba aquí” Spanish translation of The Haditha massacre: “Democracy assassinated the family that was here” by Rob Lyon (June 2, 2006)
Palestina: ¿Qué hay detrás de los enfrentamientos entre al Fatah y Hamás? Spanish translation of Who is behind the Fatah-Hamas clashes? by Yossi Schwartz (May 24, 2006)
Iraq: Abriendo las puertas del infierno Spanish translation of Iraq – Opening the Gates of Hell by Rob Lyon (March 3, 2006)
El mundo islámico encolerizado - Sembrando vientos y recogiendo tempestades Spanish translation of Islamic world up in arms - Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind by Maarten Vanheuverswyn (February 7, 2006)
Israel: El giro del Partido Laborista refleja la creciente polarización de clase Spanish translation of Israel: the shift in the Labour Party reflects growing class polarization by Yossi Schwartz in Israel (January 27, 2005)
Llamamiento urgente en apoyo de los trabajadores y estudiantes detenidos en Irán Spanish translation of Urgent appeal in support of arrested workers and students in Iran (January 31, 2006)
Ariel Sharon, la transformación de un criminal de guerra en un héroe nacional Spanish translation of Ariel Sharon – transforming a war criminal into a national hero by Alon Lessel in Israel (January 17, 2005)
Israel: Dos peligros en el camino de la clase obrera Spanish translation of Israel: The two dangers on the road of the working class by Yossi Schwartz (December 5, 2005)
La guerra de Irak, el asunto Plame y el Partido Republicano Spanish translation of The Iraq War, the Plame Affair, and the Republican Party by David May (November 23, 2005)