The Chain Is No Stronger Than Its Weakest Link ''Your iron chain was poor and rusty enough as it is, and now it has several links made not even of wood, but of clay and paper.''Published in Pravda No. 67, June 9 (May 27), 1917 1917 V.I Lenin
Stalin, by Leon Trotsky - Help publish the first complete edition in Italian! On the occasion of the centenary anniversary of the October Revolution, we are proud to announce a campaign for the publication of the Italian version of last work of the revolutionary Leon Trotsky, his biography of Stalin. So far, this work has only been available in incomplete editions, distorted politically by the editing of the editor of the first edition in the ‘40s, Charles Malamuth. Books
Marxism in the Labour Party "The ideas of Marxism have never been more relevant. As we face the greatest crisis of capitalism since the Great Depression, the ideas of Marx, which reveal the insoluble contradictions of capitalism, offer the only real way forward." Britain Jeremy Corbyn The Labour Party