Venezuela: Our programme for the Constituent Assembly The calling of a National Constituent Assembly (ANC) has been issued in the middle of one of the worst offensives of the counter-revolution and imperialism in the last eighteen years. In this political situation, the convening of a Constituent Assembly has awoken important revolutionary aspirations among sections of the workers’ and people's vanguard, who are ready to fight to elect deputies to the Constituent Assembly who come from the rank and file and defend a programme of revolutionary demands. Venezuela Venezuelan Revolution Venezuelan Revolution
The rise of the ''slave market'' in Libya and the hypocrisy of the EU The imperialist military interventions in Iraq, Syria and Libya were portrayed by Western leaders as “humanitarian” operations to restore democracy and human rights. But what has instead occurred is the exact opposite with the rise of different degrees of barbarism in all three countries. Just like in Syria and Iraq, we are now also witnessing the rise of slave-like conditions in Libya on a systematic level. European Union Imperialism Libya
Blairism ''dead and buried'' - time to transform Labour! “The Blair era truly ended on June 8th.”“Corbyn’s triumph was the final nail in New Labour’s coffin.”These are the words, not of any socialist or Momentum member, but of some of Jeremy Corbyn’s harshest critics - in these cases, the Economist magazine (10th June 2017) and the Daily Mail (9th June 2017) respectively - following the massive swing towards Labour in the 8th June election. Britain The Labour Party