Ireland on the tracks of a Brexit "train-crash" As Brexit negotiations grind to a halt, big business is entering panic mode. A no deal, “train-crash” Brexit - the one scenario that capitalism wants to avoid at all costs - looms large. And caught on the tracks is Ireland, the only country that shares a land border with the UK. Ireland
Celebration of Mexican and Russian Revolution at the Leon Trotsky Museum On 7 November, at 6 pm, in Mexico City, in the auditorium of the Leon Trotsky House Museum, a meeting was held in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, with nearly 100 in attendance. Revolutionary Communist International Mexico
The Catalan Revolution and the tasks of the left The Spanish state intends to appear as the victor in the unfinished battle against the Catalan independence movement, but the most significant development in these 2 months has been the emergence of the largest movement of civil disobedience in the Spanish state in 40 years. Spain Catalonia