Sign up for the Montreal Marxist Winter School 2018! Join the International Marxist Tendency for the 8th annual Montreal Marxist Winter School. 2018 will be the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth, therefore this year we will be focusing on Marx's revolutionary ideas. Revolutionary Communist International Canada Events
Canada: IMT raises the banner of October 1917 worldwide The International Marxist Tendency has been celebrating the centenary of the Russian Revolution all year, releasing articles, videos and reading guides to commemorate the occasion. Around the day of anniversary itself (7 November by the modern calendar), we hosted a series of meetings, parties and events throughout the world. We have already published reports from Mexico, Italy, Austria and Brazil, and in the coming days will release more reports of how comrades across the international celebrated the greatest event in human history... Revolutionary Communist International Events
Mexican edition of Trotsky's Stalin launched at the Leon Trotsky House Museum Stalin was the last book Leon Trotsky was writing when his murderer, Frank Jackson (AKA Ramón Mercader) took his life. On 11 November, the new, complete Mexican edition of the book was presented in front of a packed auditorium and an overspill room, at the Leon Trotsky House Museum. In an extraordinary meeting, the last, unfinished masterpiece by the legendary revolutionary and martyr of the working-class (available in English at WellRed Books) was received with great anticipation by the old militants, and with great enthusiasm by the assembled youth. Revolutionary Communist International Books Events