The 1971 War of Liberation and Bangladesh’s unfinished revolution Today, Bangladesh is glowing with the white heat of revolution. The masses have once more entered the arena of struggle. They are rediscovering a rich revolutionary tradition that goes back decades. Really, the tasks of this revolution are the unfinished tasks of an unfinished revolution, which began more than fifty years ago and culminated in the War of Independence against the domination of Pakistan in 1971. Learning the lessons of that period is vital to not only understanding the present, but to ensuring that the revolutionary struggle today is carried forward to victory. Featured Bangladesh
How many more will die in Gaza? Recently, a figure of 186,000 projected deaths in Gaza has been circulating in the press and on social media. This horrifying death toll originated from a letter to The Lancet, the most prominent British medical journal, which the Israeli regime and its Western cheerleaders have attempted to discredit as baseless ‘blood libel’. In fact, when months of relentless bombing are combined with the malnutrition and disease caused by Israel’s blockade, this figure might end up being tragically conservative. Featured Israel & Palestine readers' survey: tell us what you think! is the main website of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI): a communist organisation with a presence in over 60 countries, fighting for an end to capitalism and a brighter future for humanity! As we continue to swell our ranks, our online audience is growing. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us provide the best possible communist news, theory and analysis. Tell us what you want to see by filling out our 10-minute reader’s survey! Featured