India: rape and murder of young doctor sparks fury Amidst the pomp and pageantry of Independence Day, a furious protest movement following the rape and murder of a young medic tells the real story of Modi’s India. The Revolutionary Communists of India (RC(I)) demand justice – for the victim of this heinous crime as well as all who suffer under capitalism, which poisons human relations and subjects billions to oppression, violence and misery. Featured India
The imperialists are bleeding the poor, and the poor are fighting back The crisis of capitalism is hitting poor countries hard. After hikes in interest rates over the past two years, the debt collectors are knocking on the door. As a result, imperialist institutions are now forcing draconian austerity measures and tax hikes on the poor in so-called developing countries. This is provoking anger and mass protests worldwide. Imperialism Featured
Where next for Bangladesh? Since the revolutionary tide swept away Sheikh Hasina one week ago, the masses, led by the students, have continued to mobilise. Committees have been expanding across the country – especially, but not exclusively, among the students. In many places they have displaced the functions of the state. The ruling class is suspended in midair. A kind of dual power exists. But the revolution now faces new dangers – not only of conspiracies by the deposed Awami League, which continue, but of confusion as to the direction of travel. Featured Bangladesh