Audio & Video

The Revolutionary Communist International hosts a number of regular podcasts and streamed events for training the new generation of communist fighters around the globe. Click on the images and links below to check them out! At the bottom of the page and on the following pages, we include all’s audio and visual material.

The Spectre of Communism

spectre podcast page

A spectre is haunting all major podcast platforms… The Spectre of Communism podcast!

On this weekly podcast, leading comrades from the Revolutionary Communist International go into depth on topics ranging from revolutionary history and strategy to science, culture and questions of theory. This valuable tool is intended to arm our listeners with the ideas and arguments necessary to defend the principles of communism, to win others over to a revolutionary perspective, and to help our listeners master Marxist theory for themselves.

Against the Stream

Against the stream podcast page

In Against the Stream, our weekly current affairs podcast, members of the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International sit down to discuss the main events shaping global affairs. In an increasingly turbulent world situation, these discussions look behind the headlines of the mainstream press and the statements of politicians, to bring out the real processes and interests at play.

The World School of Communism

Every two years, the Revolutionary Communist International hosts a world school. Bringing together thousands of communists from all around the globe in person and online for a week of discussion on Marxist theory, these schools are crash courses for steeling revolutionaries in the ideas we need to bring down this system. All of these talks have been made available to stream online, making them a permanent and extremely valuable resource. Click on the links to catch up on the World School of Communism 2024, International Marxist University 2022, and International Marxist University 2020.

A few days ago, Alan Woods was interviewed by the BBC 4 radio programme PM about Venezuela. Although parts of the interview were cut, it is is significant that a Marxist was able to speak on the Venezuelan Revolution, socialism and Hugo Chavez since this was broadcast in prime time, between 5pm and 6pm. The full radio programme can be listened to here but we compiled a 5 minute mp3 file of the part where Alan is speaking.

Este es un fragmento de video de 10 minutos mostrando a Alan Woods en la televisión venezolana. Alan desenmascara el mito de que el hay que construir el socialismo gradualmente, y responde al argumento de los reformistas de que de lo contrario la democracia estaría amenazada. Por el contrario, el propio Chávez ha hablado de la necesidad de una "revolución dentro de la revolución" para contrarrestar a la burocracia.

After the first video on the struggle at Sanitarios Maracay, a factory in Venezuela under workers' control, Hands Off Venezuela has produced a second video showing how the workers are holding a workers' assembly and how they discuss and vote on issues such as nationalisation. Topics covered include the previous boss's acts of sabotage, logistics of workers' control and socialism of the 21st century.

Este es un fragmento de video de 11 minutos mostrando a Alan Woods en la televisión venezolana. Alan habla de la amenaza de contrarrevolución en Venezuela y se opone a la noción de que la revolución es irreversible. En la medida en que las palancas fundamentales de la economía sigan en manos privadas la oligarquía puede volver. Alan Woods está en firme desacuerdo con las ideas reformistas expresadas por intelectuales tales como Heinz Dieterich.

Este es un fragmento de video mostrando a Alan Woods en el canal de TV de la Asamblea Nacional. Alan discute sobre su libro Razón y Revolución, y explica desde un punto de vista marxista qué es la revolución, qué significa el socialismo y cómo se puede evitar el surgimiento de una burocracia.

This is a new video from the Hands Off Venezuela team in Caracas. They covered the demonstration of Sanitarios Maracay workers for nationalisation under workers control on December 14th (see reports by William Sanabria and Rob Sewell).

As we have reported earlier, Alan Woods participated in the International Bookfair in Caracas and presented his book on the Bolivarian Revolution. La Patria Grande filmed the whole conference and put its footage online. We are please to link to the videos with Alan Woods speaking. Click here to go to the overview page (in Spanish).

Hands Off Venezuela tours Sanitarios Maracay, a factory in Venezuela under workers control, to learn more about the revolutionary process taking place there, and to offer solidarity to the workers. An impressive video which gives a taste of workers' democracy in action and how this is linked to the Bolivarian revolution

Jorge Martin talks about the revolutionary movement in Mexico that has developed in response to huge election fraud, which has seen the presidency stolen from the popular candidate Lopez Obredor.

Interview with Alan Woods, editor of the In Defence of Marxism website, about the Middle East (from Israel-Palestine to Pakistan and Afghanistan). “The situation in the Middle East is spiralling out of control. This ‘war on terrorism’ has had results that are diametrically opposed to what was intended." Interview by Resonance FM Radio, London. Listen to it here.