[Audio] The Russian Revolution and the Communist International Tomorrow marks the 92nd anniversary of the Russian Revolution. For the first time the working class conquered state power and at least began the task of the socialist transfomation of society. Listen here to this meeting of the ULU Marxist Society where Fred Weston, editor of the website 'In Defence of Marxism' (marxist.com), speaks on the Russian Revolution and the founding of the Comintern.
[Audio] A Socialist Answer to the Capitalist Crisis The economic crisis that has gripped the world has shown us that capitalism as a system is a dead-end. A year into the recession what is the alternative to capitalism? Hear Mick Brooks making the case for socialism at a recent meeting of the ULU Marxist Society in London.
[Audio] The Chinese Revolution of 1949 For Marxists the Chinese Revolution was the second greatest event in human history, second only to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Millions of human beings, who had hitherto been the beasts of burden of imperialism, threw off the humiliating yoke of imperialism and capitalism, and entered the stage of world history. The Marxists wholeheartedly supported the revolution, but they also warned that because the working class did not play the leading role, what would emerge would be a bureaucratically deformed workers’ state.
[Audio] What is the relevance of Marxism today? Marxism, or Scientific Socialism, is the name given to the body of ideas first worked out by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. In their totality, these ideas claim to provide a theoretical basis for the struggle of the working class to attain a higher form of human society - socialism. What relevance do these ideas, over 150 years old have to today's society? Alan Woods spoke at a recent meeting of the ULU Marxist Society in London on the relevance of Marxism today.
[Audio] Jorge Martin interviewed about coup in Honduras and US military bases in Colombia Jorge Martin, international secretary of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign and contributing writer to Marxist.com was interviewed on August 29 by Sylvia Richardson of the Canadian radio CJSF on her program "Latin Waves." Topics discussed include the coup in Honduras, the expansion of US military in Colombia, the so called "war on drugs" and "Plan Colombia".
[Video] America and Pakistan: Friends or Foe? We are publishing here a video of comrade Lal Khan in a debate with the leader of the fundamentalist party Jamat-i-Islami, Liaqat Baloch and a right wing analyst Javed Qureshi on Dunya TV in Pakistan. Defending the ideas of socialism and exposing the relationship of US Imperialism with fundamentalism, Lal Khan gives a detailed analysis of the current US Imperialist hegemony from a Marxist point of view. (In Urdu)
[Audio] Global Crisis! Global Fightback! Hear this recording from a public meeting held by Edinburgh supporters of Socialist Appeal on the ongoing economic crisis effecting millions of workers and poor people across the globe. Speaking were Fred Weston, editorial board of the website In Defence of Marxism, and Bayo Ogunrotifa of the Nigerian Marxists Campaign for a Workers Alternative.
Italy: Red Festival of FalceMartello - more videos The "Red Festival" of the comrades of FalceMartello held in Bologna, Italy, closed on June 29. Here we provide a link to more videos, including debates with international visitors from France and Spain, and an interview with Alan Woods who spoke at the festival.
[Audio] The Iranian Revolution and the question of the State Hear Fred Weston speaking to a recent meeting of Socialist Appeal in Edinburgh on the current Iranian Revolution. He also connects the movement against the Iranian regime with an analysis on the question of the state in a capitalist society.
[Video] The Iranian Revolution has begun Millions of people marched through Tehran and several other cities in the last few days to protest Iran's disputed presidential election in an extraordinary show of defiance that appeared to be the largest anti-government demonstration in Iran since the 1979 revolution. The revolutionary situation is unfolding in front of our very eyes. Hear Alan Woods speaking to a meeting in London on June 25, 2009.
Red Festival of the Italian Marxists - a huge success Yesterday the Second Red Festival organised by the Marxist wing of Rifondazione Comunista, FalceMartello, ended. We will soon provide a report, but in the meantime a viewing of the videos produced by the comrades will give our readers a taste of the atmosphere that prevailed.
[Audio] The Iranian Revolution Hear Jorge Martín speaking to a recent meeting in London about the Iranian revolution. After describing the student movement and the turbulent events in 1999 - which we described at that time as the first shots of the Iranian revolution - and the new wave of labour and trade union movement of the past decade, Jorge analyses the meaning of the current events.
[Audio] The Iranian Revolution has begun Millions of people marched through Tehran and several other cities in the last few days to protest Iran's disputed presidential election in an extraordinary show of defiance that appeared to be the largest anti-government demonstration in Iran since the 1979 revolution. The revolutionary situation is unfolding in front of our very eyes. Hear Alan Woods speaking to a meeting in London on June 25, 2009.
[Video] Marxism and Art Alan Woods gives a lecture at the Chelsea College of Art in London in April 2009. He deals with the important role art plays in revolutionary political movements and speaks about how art changes to reflect the social and political events of the time.
[Video] What is Socialism? John Peterson, National Secretary of the Workers International and editor of Socialist Appeal, interviewed by Our World Today on the subject of "What is Socialism?". The interview covers many of the traditional arguments made against socialism and defends the banner of revolutionary Marxism.