Elecciones legislativas argentinas: El malestar social busca una expresión política Las elecciones legislativas argentinas del 14 de octubre han puesto de manifiesto varias cosas: en primer lugar, el enorme descontento acumulado en la sociedad, en segundo lugar la crisis y divisiones existentes en el seno de la clase dominante y, por último, pero lo más importante de todo, la búsqueda por parte de cientos de miles de jóvenes y trabajadores (así como de sectores de las capas medias) de una alternativa de izquierdas frente a la crisis económica, social y política que atenaza al país.
Będą kłopoty - Po pierwszym tygodniu operacji wojskowej w Afganistanie This is the Polish translation of Into the whirlwind - The first week of the war in Afghanistan by Alan Woods. (October 12, 2001)
Serangan udara AS dan Inggris dimulai - Lawan perang imperialis di Afghanistan! This is the Indonesian translation of Oppose imperialist war in Afghanistan! by Fred Weston, October 2001
Przeciwko wojnie w Afganistanie! Polish translation of Oppose imperialist war in Afghanistan! by Fred Weston
Atentate sinucigaşe în SUA - Terorismul ajută reacţiunea This is the Romanian language translation of US Suicide Bombing - Terrorism Aids Reaction by Alan Woods and Ted Grant.
Marxismo versus feminismo – A luta de classes e a emancipação da mulher Portuguese translation of Marxism versus feminism – The class struggle and the emancipation of women by Alan Woods.
Makedonija: Sledece bure baruta? This is the Serbo-Croat version of Macedonia - the next powder keg? by Fred Weston (March 16th, 2001)
مارکسيزم و مسئله ملی Persian translation of Marxism and the National Question by Alan Woods and Ted Grant (February 25th, 2000)
Timur Tengah: Di Bibir Jurang Kehacuran - Revolusi Sosialis, Satu-satunya jalan keluar! (Alan Woods dan Fred Weston) Oktober 2000
Teorija zavere i dogaðaji u Jugoslaviji This is the Serbo-Croat version of Conspiracy theory and the Yugoslav events (Alan Woods,10.10.00)
Revolucija i kontra-revolucija u Jugoslaviji This is the Serbo-Croat version of Revolution and counter- revolution in Yugoslavia (Alan Woods and Ted Grant)
포르투갈 혁명 This is the Korean translation of the article The Portuguese Revolution by Alan Woods (June, 1974)