השוואה בין הבולשביקים בברסט-ליטובסק ושיחות השלום הנוכחיות בפיליפינים Hebrew translation of "Philippines peace talks: A comparison between the Bolsheviks at Brest Litovsk and talks today in the Philippines" By Felix Zorba (November 2003)
גיוס המוני — הדרך היחידה להביס את מהפכת הנגד Hebrew translation of "Counterrevolutionary offensive in Venezuela" By Miguel Campos - El Militante Venezuela (November 15, 2003)
Brukman w rękach pracowników! This is the Polish translation of "Argentina: ¡Brukman es de los trabajadores! La Legislatura porteña expropió la fábrica a los antiguos dueños" (Noviembre 2003).
Læren af Chile 1973 - Del 2 Danish translation of "Lessons of Chile 1973" By Alan Woods (January 1979)
Çin’de “Sosyal Olarak Savunmasız Grupların” Durumu Turkish translation of The Status of "Socially Vulnerable Groups" in China by Anfanger November, 2003
Што се случува со работничката класа? Macedonian translation "What's happening to the working class? By Mick Brooks (November 1996)
Læren af Chile 1973 - Del 1 Danish translation of "Lessons of Chile 1973" By Alan Woods (January 1979)
Karol & Teresa - rzecz o nadprodukcji świętych Polish translation of "Wojtyla and Teresa, or a Case of Saintly Overproduction" By our religious affairs correspondent, (November 3, 2003).
Wojtyla e Teresa, ou um caso de superprodução de santos Portugese translation of "Wojtyla and Teresa, or a Case of Saintly Overproduction" by our religious affairs correspondent (November 3, 2003).
Bolívia: Insurreição das Massas Derruba o Presidente Portuguese translation of Bolivia: a mass insurrection overthrows the president by Jorge Martín (October 18, 2003)
Bolivia - Masseopstand vælter præsidenten Danish translation of "Bolivia: a mass insurrection overthrows the president" By Jorge Martín (October 18, 2003)
בוליביה: המהפכה הולכת ומתרחבת Hebrew translation of "Bolivia: the revolution becomes more widespread." By Jorge Martín (October 17, 2003)
شورش در «لاپاز» بوليو Persian translation of "Bolivia - Insurrection in La Paz" By Jorge Martín (October 14, 2003).
שביתה כללית בפעם נוספת בניגריה. Hebrew translation of "Once again a general strike in Nigeria - The tasks posed before the leaders of the Nigerian labour movement" by Fred Weston (October 8, 2003)