Venezuela: Condena de la CMR del asesinato fascista de sindicalistas en Aragua Comunicado de la CMR y el FRETECO
Spagna, 13 novembre: successo dello sciopero generale studentesco Italian translation of Spain: November 13, another hugely successful student general strike (November 14, 2008)
Alan Woods über die Russische Revolution - Teil 2, “Trotzki verteidigte die wahren Traditionen des Leninismus" German translation of Alan Woods on the Russian Revolution – Part Two, “Trotsky defended the genuine traditions of Leninism” (October 2008)
Italia: la lucha pasa a un nivel superior Spanish translation of Italy: the struggle moves onto a higher level (November 26, 2008)
Venezuela: Los trabajadores de INVEVAL protestan contra el sabotaje burocrático Entrevista a José Quintero miembro del Comité de fábrica de INVEVAL.
Crise: Que os patrões paguem a conta! (3ª parte) Portuguese translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency – Part Three (November 6, 2008)
لال خان کی نئی کتاب پاکستان کی اصل کہانی Urdu translation of Pakistan: The revolution betrayed – an introduction to "Pakistan’s Other Story - The 1968-69 Revolution" (October 20, 2008)
أزمة الرأسمالية العالمية - الجزء الثاني Arabic translation of World capitalism in crisis – Part Two (September 26, 2008)
اوباما کی فتح ،ڈیموکریٹس کے سکول میں خوش آمدید Urdu translation of US elections: Welcome to the “School of the Democrats” (November 5, 2008)