
On July 2 and 3, 2022 over 100 people gathered in Edmonton for the third annual Western Canadian Marxist Summer School. This was the first large in-person gathering of Marxists in Western Canada since 2019, and the biggest in living memory. People from all over the country, from Montreal to Victoria and even the Yukon attended. The success of the school shows that workers and youth in Western Canada want to fight against capitalism, and they’re looking for ideas and an organization that can help them win.

The final countdown is on for the International Marxist University, with just under THREE weeks to go before we launch! Over 3,800 people (and counting!) across the world have now registered for what promises to be the world’s foremost event for revolutionary theory and discussion. Sign up now!

In the Transitional Programme, written in 1938, Leon Trotsky explained that, “The world political situation as a whole is chiefly characterised by a historical crisis of the leadership of the proletariat.” Capitalism is ripe for overthrow, but the present stock of reformist leaders are damming up the struggle of the working class. In order to overthrow capitalism, the workers’ movement must be equipped with a revolutionary leadership that is up to the task.

We are proud to announce that over 1,800 people from an incredible 100 countries have now registered for the International Marxist University 2022 (#IMU22). The biggest international gathering of Marxists this year is now less than 50 days away. A four-day festival of Marxist ideas, #IMU22 will be held online and at watch parties across the globe from 23 to 26 July. Register now and join us in the fight for revolution!

On 21 and 22 May, 2022, the congress of the Socialist Left (the Mexican section of the IMT) was held in Mexico City, with about 85 attending both in person and online. The event saw lively and enthusiastic discussions about the national and world political situation, and the tasks ahead for building the forces of Marxism in Mexico and across Latin America!

We are now just nine weeks away from the biggest international Marxist event of the year: the International Marxist University 2022 (#IMU22) from 23 to 26 July. Wherever you are, you too can attend, either online or at one of numerous watch parties being planned on every continent. Already, 1,000 people from 91 countries have registered to attend. We are now proud to announce the finalised timetable and list of speakers. Book now and join us in the fight for revolution!

Comrades of the IMT participated in demonstrations, protests and other activities in dozens of locations across the globe for May Day 2022, raising the revolutionary banner of socialism as the only road forward for the working class! Given the dramatic events in world politics, and the increasingly unbearable burden on working people and youth, our ideas connected with the mood far more than in the past. We publish below highlights of our international May Day activities.

The world is in a period of deep crisis. Capitalism and its apologists have proven unable to explain or resolve the problems facing the working class everywhere. Only the ideas of Marxism offer an explanation and a way out. It is for this reason that we are proud to announce the launch of the International Marxist University 2022, a four-day online event organised by the International Marxist Tendency, dedicated to discussing the core ideas of Marxist theory and how we can use them to change the world.

Today is the birthday of the grandson of Leon Trotsky, Esteban Volkov. Over the course of his life, Volkov has fought to preserve the historical truth about Trotsky’s life and work, against the smears of the Stalinists and bourgeois historians. In particular, Volkov has preserved a unique monument to Trotsky’s legacy: the Leon Trotsky House Museum in Coyoacán, Mexico, which was once home to Volkov and his grandparents, Natalia Sedova and Leon Trotsky. On the occasion of his birthday, the International Marxist Tendency would like to send revolutionary greetings to this lifelong champion of Trotsky’s legacy.

This weekend saw the twelfth edition of the Montreal Marxist Winter School. For the second year in a row, this must-attend event for North American Marxists had to be held online. Despite the more impersonal nature of the Zoom meetings, the tremendous enthusiasm of the participants was palpable.

As a sign of the growing popularity of revolutionary ideas, the Montreal Marxist Winter School has been growing steadily over the years, to become the largest Marxist event in Quebec and Canada. The 12th edition of the Marxist School will be held on Zoom this weekend, February 19, 20 and 21, 2022.

On Saturday 15 January, Wellred Books hosted a launch event for The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, a new biography of the revolutionary on the anniversary of her death (pre-order here). The online event was a huge success, attended by over 300 people from over 18 countries, with watch parties organised all over the world. As was clear from the many searching questions posed to the author, Marie Frederiksen, in the Q&A, there is a keen interest in the life and ideas of Rosa Luxemburg, and it is long overdue that the record on her revolutionary legacy is set straight.


We are delighted to announce the release of a brand new title from Wellred Books: The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. Since her death at the hands of the fascist Freikorps, the truth about Rosa Luxemburg’s life and ideas has been systematically distorted. This book, which will be launched alongside an exclusive online Q&Awith the author at 6pm (GMT) on 15 January, will tell the real story of this great revolutionary, on the 103rd anniversary of her murder.

Join Alan Woods for the launch of The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective this Sunday at 16.00 (BST). To attend the launch event, you must register on this webpage. All those registered will be sent a link to join the Zoom meeting on the morning of the event. This book will prove to be a vital handbook for revolutionaries fighting to overthrow capitalism today. Pre-order your copy now – available for a limited time at a special price.