
To mark this year’s International Working Women’s Day, the International Marxist Tendency is organising events across the world over the next two weeks (starting today), to discuss the history of women’s oppression and the need for a revolutionary solution based on class struggle!

The 2021 Montreal Marxist Winter School was truly an unprecedented event. More than 1,150 people registered to participate in the school, which had ten presentations over three days, making this by far the largest Canadian Marxist meeting in recent memory. With big class battles on the horizon, the forces of Marxism are growing in preparation. 

The Marxist Student Federation in Britain invites you to the online MSF Conference 2021 this Saturday! The past six months have seen enormous students struggles emerge, with the biggest University rent strike movement in forty years foremost amongst them. We have also seen the government's attempt to write anti-capitalism out of schools, which the MSF answered with its Tell the Truth campaign. All this and more will be discussed. Buy your ticket now!

Our Canadian comrades' 11th annual Montreal Marxist School will be held on Zoom over the February long weekend from Saturday 13th to Monday 15th. As they will not have to worry about travel they decided to expand the school to cover three days instead of two—adding four sessions! As usual, all presentations and discussions will be held in French and English with translation. Over 600 people have already registered! If you haven’t registered, don’t wait any longer!

On 19 December 2020, the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA), a revolutionary organisation struggling for the rights of students and youth in Pakistan, organised a nationwide protest, entitled “Students Day of Action” (covered by Pakistan's oldest English-language newspaper): for free education and the restoration of student unions; and against sexual harassment of women, state abductions and unemployment. Participants in all cities also raised slogans for the release of comrade Amar Fayaz, who was abducted by the state authorities last month. Still, his whereabouts are unknown.

Joe Biden has been named president-elect, though Donald Trump is still refusing to concede. What will the 2020 election results mean for the US working class? What should socialists be doing in the aftermath? Join our US comrades at Socialist Revolution for a two-day online event, providing a Marxist analysis of the elections and the path to revolution in the USA. International participants welcome! Register now using the form on this page or by visiting our US comrades' registration site!

Despite the barriers presented by the pandemic, this year’s Revolution Festival was our British comrades' biggest and best ever, with over 600 attending the weekend’s incredible discussions, which highlighted the vital importance of Marxist ideas.

August 20 marks 80 years since the assassination of Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky by a Stalinist agent in Mexico. The International Marxist Tendency held a rally to celebrate the life and ideas of Trotsky, which are today more relevant than ever. Watch here!

Marxist University ended as it started: with tremendous revolutionary optimism! Over the course of the event, almost 6,500 people registered from more than 115 countries; the opening session was viewed 10,000 times; and almost 280,000 Euros was collected in donations. This was a truly historic event, with the highest level of political discussion anywhere. The school was a tremendous testament to the strength of genuine Marxist ideas and traditions, and to the revolutionary dedication of the comrades and supporters who made it possible.