Victory to the firefighters The planned national industrial action by the firefighters is the first for 25 years. It coincides with an increasing radicalisation in the union movement, which is a culmination of years of bitterness and resentment built up by the attacks on the wages and conditions of workers in general, and in the public sector in particular. The FBU is playing a leading role in the struggle for better wages in the public sector.
Tony Blair faces first major defeat over privatisation at Labour Party conference At this year's annual Labour Party conference it was quite clear that Blair is no longer looking as confident as only a few months ago. He has had to swallow defeat in his own party, on a key issue: the participation of private capital in the providing of public services And he also came close to defeat on his plans to wage war on Iraq! We are witnessing the first steps in what will prove to be a major turn-around inside the Labour Party over the next period.
400,000 march in London against Blair's (and Bush's) plans to attack Iraq On Saturday, September 28, the biggest anti-war demonstration ever seen in London took place with 400,000 people marching. This shows the real mood in Britain today.