The Unbroken Thread: Report of London Meeting, May 21, 2002 This is a shorter report of the same event.
Report of the book launch, London, May 21, 2002 (With photos!) This is a report of the successful meeting in London organised both to launch Ted Grant's book History of British Trotskyism and to celebrate 10 years of .
Golden Jubilee: The "Suffering" Royalty The Jubilee has come and gone. India and Pakistan stood on the brink of nuclear war. Suicide bombers were striking in Israel and Belfast was aflame with sectarian conflict. But on the streets of London and other British cities, millions of people cheerfully participated in street parties in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Yet this year's festivities totally lacked the grassroots "spontaneity" of the Silver Jubilee, 25 years ago. The enthusiasm for the monarchy that has been whipped up by the media in recent weeks is at best superficial. The mood is quite different to 1977 and even more distant from that of 1952.