[Audio] The US hand in Venezuela's coup: Hands off Venezuela interview Jorge Martin, secretary of the Hands off Venezuela campaign, was interviewed for This Is Hell!, exposing the imperialist hand behind the ongoing Venezuelan coup attempt, in addition to explaining the economic crisis in the country. We publish here the full audio of Jorge's interview.
[Video] Oppose the imperialist coup d'état in Venezuela! Jorge Martín explains that what is really happening in Venezuela is an ongoing imperialist coup attempt organised by Trump, Bolsonaro and Almagro; and why and how we should fight it.
[Video] Rob Sewell launching 'Germany 1918–1933: Socialism or Barbarism' in Sweden To commemorate 100 years since the Spartacist Uprising, watch Rob Sewell, editor of Socialist Appeal, speaking in Gothenburg in November 2018 at the annual, national school of 'Revolution': the Swedish section of the International Marxist Tendency. Rob was launching his new book: Germany 1918–1933 – Socialism or Barbarism.