Reform or Revolution: Jamaica 1972-1980 The 1970s was one of the most tumultuous eras of Jamaican history. The island country was thrown into a period of intense class struggle not experienced since the Great Depression and the 1938 general strike. Ultimately, a bloody campaign of violence driven by US imperialism defeated the struggle for socialism in Jamaica. This momentous episode in the history of the Jamaican working class provides all workers and youth with stark lessons for the class struggle today.
$10,000 for the Panamerican School of the IMT – one last push We are pleased to announce that the appeal to collect $10,000 to help fund the Panamerican School of the IMT has already raised over $8,750 in dozens of donations, big and small from comrades and sympathisers from around the world.
Argentina: far-right Milei victory reveals crisis of bourgeois regime Far-right "libertarian" candidate Javier Milei has won the presidential run-off election in Argentina with almost 56 percent of the vote, beating Peronist candidate Massa (who got 44 percent), the country's outgoing Finance Minister who had renewed a deal with the IMF and promised a government of national unity.
Argentina: the position of communists in the run-off election After the results of Argentina’s general elections last month, the two leading candidates, Peronist Sergio Massa and far-right Javier Milei, will contest the presidency in a run-off election on 19 November. The prospect of a run-off election, a device of bourgeois democracy that is meant to force working-class voters to support one of two capitalist candidates who do not represent their interests, has revealed enormous confusion among Argentina’s largest left parties.
Building the forces of communism in Brazil! Successful congress of the Brazilian section of the IMT! On 4-5 November, the national congress of the Brazilian section of the IMT took place. The congress was tasked with evaluating the development of the organisation, the developing political situation, and the success of the “are you a communist?” campaign. In light of this, the organisation decided to change its name. Previously Esquerda Marxista (Marxist Left), the Brazilian section of the IMT is now called the Internationalist Communist Organisation!
Brazil: joint rally against imperialist war by the Marxist Left and the PCB-RR Members of Marxist Left (the Brazilian section of the IMT) and the Brazilian Communist Party – Revolutionary Reconstruction met on the afternoon of Thursday 2 November 2 at the “Rally against imperialist wars – Ukraine and Palestine”, hosted jointly by both organisations. 200 people attended, including members and guests, with political reports delivered by Jorge Martín, representing the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), Gabriel Lazzari, representing the PCB-RR, and Serge Goulart, representing the Marxist Left.
The 1780 rebellion of Tupac Amaru II and Micaela Bastidas in colonial Peru In 1780, the Spanish Viceroyalty of Perú was shaken by a massive rebellion, led by Túpac Amaru II – a man claiming to be the direct descendent of the last Sapa Inka, Túpac Amaru, who had led the final resistance of the Inca empire until his capture and execution by the Spanish in 1572. Tens of thousands of men and women flocked to Túpac Amaru’s army, under the leadership of him and his wife, Micaela Bastidas. For two and a half years, war raged across the Andes in the greatest challenge Spanish colonial rule had faced thus far. Ultimately, the rebellion went down to defeat, although it left behind it a heroic tradition of struggle. In the following article, Pascal Cueto...
Elections in Argentina: capitalist crisis shakes-up ruling class parties On Sunday 22 October, Argentinians went to the polls to determine the next president. The elections occurred in the context of an increasingly desperate economic situation, with 40 percent of the country living in poverty, triple-digit inflation, and crippling state debt. This is the expression of the global crisis of capitalism in Argentina, a country with a backwards capitalist economy dependent on the export of primary materials.
Canada: York threatens to dissolve all student unions for supporting Palestine! Students must unite against this administration! As the Israeli state escalate their genocidal campaign in Gaza, the York University administration have also ramped up their campaign of silencing the student movement for denouncing this genocide.
Montreal Marxist Winter School 2024: in defence of Lenin! The 14th Montreal Marxist Winter School – organised by Fightback/La Riposte, the Canadian section of the International Marxist Tendency – will take place on 17-18 February 2024. To mark 100 years since the death of the great Russian revolutionary, the event will be dedicated to the life and ideas of Lenin.
Solidarity with Brazilian MP Luciana Genro under attack for defending Palestine Across the world, the ruling class has launched an offensive against anyone who stands up in solidarity with Palestine. Demonstrations have been banned, left wing activists have been accused of supporting terrorism and ...
American ruling class lies about the conflict in Palestine: defend Gaza! Israel’s decades of aggression against the Palestinian people reached a tipping point in the past week, sparking an almighty blowback. As could have been expected, this was met with brutal reprisals by Israel, which has been bombing Gaza savagely and indiscriminately for almost a week. As it prepares for a likely ground invasion of Gaza, Israel has ordered one million people to flee south—an impossible task, as there is nowhere in the world’s largest open-air prison to go.
Guatemala: the 2023 elections and the National Strike against the coup On Saturday 30 September, at a General Assembly the indigenous and peasant communities of Guatemala called a National Strike to demand that the result of August’s election be respected. The strike has extended to the capital and has drawn in various sections of society. This article was written on 6 October, the fifth day of the indefinite strike, and at the time of writing, demonstrators were also demanding the resignation of the attorney general and other prosecutors that have sought to interfere in the electoral process.
USA: crisis of regime deepens as government shutdown looms Our comrades in the United States published the following article as the US government once again entered deadlock over the debt ceiling. Within hours of its publication, Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy came to a deal for a mere 45-day budget stopgap with the Democrats. Days later, in an unprecedented move, he was ousted thanks to a group of right-wing Republicans angry at the deal – a first in US history. These rollercoaster events show the turmoil wracking the regime in the US.
Canada: the standing ovation for a Nazi in parliament was not just a mistake Canada’s Parliament has made the PR gaffe of the century by inviting a known Nazi collaborator into the House of Commons and giving him a standing ovation. While certainly an embarrassing blunder, this was more than a one-off mistake. The incident puts the full spotlight on the pattern of Canadian imperialism of whitewashing Ukrainian fascists; and on the complete...