Alan Woods: US military bases in Colombia are a direct aggression against Venezuela

The Bolivarian News Agency, ABN, interviewed Alan Woods about the setting up of US military bases in Colombia and what he thought their purpose was.

Barinas, Nov 16, Bolivarian News Agency.- The setting up of US military bases in Colombia is a direct aggression against the sovereignty of Venezuela, said Alan Woods, a leader of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT).

This statement was repeated by the writer during a discussion on Reformism or Revolution, held on Monday at the Salón Tricolor of the Governorship of Barinas.

Attending the meeting were students from the Ezequiel Zamora National Experimental University of the Western Plains (Unellez) and the Bolivarian University (UBV), spokespersons for the communal councils as well as representatives of the political bureau of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in Barinas.

“This is a clear act of aggression which cannot be justified. We all know that the aim of these bases is not related to the struggle against narco-trafficking, their purpose is an attack against one nation in particular, and that is Venezuela”, he said.

Woods condemned the fact that other nations, together with the media nationally and internationally, are accusing the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, of wanting to carry out a war.

In this regard, he stated: “All governments must defend their territory against foreign aggression. As a matter of fact, the only aggressors are the reactionary oligarchy of Colombia and the real bosses of the neogranadino territory, which are based in the White House and the Pentagon.”

He added that the people have the right to protect their sovereignty against possible attacks.

“Those who want to destroy the revolution are the same who yearn for a war; they are the same who organised the coup in April 2002 in this country”, he stressed.

In that sense, the Marxist leader emphasised: “One cannot make a revolution half way, either we put an end to the oligarchy once and for all, or sooner or later, they will put an end to us”.

Woods explained that he plans to speak at similar meetings in the states of Portuguesa, Mérida, Maturín, Bolívar and Anzoategui, with the aim of generating a debate of ideas throughout the country.

Source: ABN - Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias

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