United States: WIL Ten Year Anniversary and Socialist Appeal Subscription Drive!

We’ve come a long way since the Workers International League was founded 10 years ago. From our humble beginnings in Fargo, North Dakota, to a dozen modest but growing branches around the country, we have worked hard to begin establishing roots in our unions, workplaces, schools, and communities. These have been tumultuous years of war, revolution, and counter-revolution, and Socialist Appeal has consistently provided news, theory, and analysis from a working class and Marxist perspective.

wil logo smallIn the months after September 11, 2001, we began as a quarterly photocopied publication. We now produce seven issues per year with a full color cover, and are proud to be edited, laid out, printed, and shipped with 100% union labor. In order to better respond to the need for an immediate analysis of current events, we have also greatly expanded and improved our website www.socialistappeal.org as well as contributing regularly to www.marxist.com.

Over the years, our readership has grown steadily, and Socialist Appeal is now carried in bookstores from coast-to-coast, making our ideas available to an ever-wider audience. Our web sites receive hundreds of thousands of visits, showing the tremendous potential for the ideas of revolutionary Marxism in the “belly of the beast.” In the aftermath of the mass movement in Wisconsin and the eruption of the Occupy movement last fall, the potential for connecting these ideas with workers and youth is greater than ever. There is a thirst for ideas, a desire to understand the apparent chaos that dominates our lives.

Millions of people know that capitalism isn’t working. But they aren’t entirely sure about what could replace it. The Workers International League believes that the solution is socialism. If our program were implemented, humanity would enter a new and more prosperous stage of development: a world free from war, discrimination, poverty, homelessness and unemployment. But how to transform this program into a material force to change society? How to connect it with the working class, which alone has the power to bring about fundamental change?

To this end, we aim to increase the print-run of Socialist Appeal, further improve the quality of its layout and design, and eventually, expand the regularity of its publication. Therefore, to celebrate the WIL’s ten year anniversary, we are launching a subscription drive with the aim of doubling our subscription base. We are also appealing for donations to our Press Fund to help us expand our work.

Perhaps you have never purchased a print copy of Socialist Appeal, but have read our material online. Perhaps you have purchased something from www.MarxistBooks.com but have not yet seen Socialist Appeal in person. We invite you to take out a subscription and check it out for yourself. If you already have a subscription, please consider renewing early. Or why not buy a subscription as a gift for a co-worker, friend, or family member? You can also make a donation to our Press Fund in any amount. Donate $100 or more and we’ll sign you up for a 2-year Solidarity Subscription to Socialist Appeal.

The first tremors of the World Socialist Revolution are being felt from Latin America to Europe, from the Arab World to right here in the United States. With your support, Socialist Appeal will be there at every stage of the struggle. We also invite you to learn more about and to join the Workers International League. Contact us for more information and thank you for your support!

Subscription Information

Socialist Appeal is currently published seven times per year. Get every copy delivered directly to your door! Subscription prices are as follows:

To subscribe or make a donation, simply print out the attached subscription form and send check or money order payable to Wellred to:

PO Box 18302
Minneapolis, MN  55418

Or subscribe online by clicking here.

 Now Available: Digital Subscriptions to Socialist Appeal

 Tired of waiting for delivery of your issues in the mail? Want to receive your copy of Socialist Appeal more discretely? Don't want to wait until the Socialist Appeal website is updated? Want to help us save on postage? Then subscribe digitally! As soon as we send the PDFs of the latest issue to the printer, we will send you a copy by email. Your subscription, digital or paper, helps us continue producing the best Marxist news and analysis around.

 Help us build the subscription drive!

We depend on our supporters and subscribers to spread the ideas of Socialist Appeal. Use these subscription forms to sell or buy additional subscriptions to Socialist Appeal and send them with check or money order payable to Wellred to the address above.

In solidarity,

 The Socialist Appeal Editorial Board

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