[Video] India: interviews with radical worker and farmer leaders

The IMT is delighted to present the following interviews with leading unionists in India, representing radical, casualised care workers and militant farmers. Workers and farmers: unite and fight!

The first interviewee is Shivani Kaul, President of the first Delhi State Anganwadi Workers’ and Helpers’ Union (DSAWHU), who went on an indefinite strike on 31 January against appalling conditions and low pay endured by their members. Anganwadi workers are highly casualised and heavily exploited. Their determined struggle is an example for the working class of the entire country. 

We also interviewed the General Secretary of the Kirti Kissan Union, representing farmers in Punjab, Rashpal Singh. The victorious struggle by Indian farmers against the Modi government’s reactionary agricultural laws represented a beacon of inspiration to the exploited and oppressed throughout the country, and the world. 

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