[Leaflet] From Venezuela to Chicago: "A Factory Closed is a Factory Occupied!"

The labor leadership needs to mobilize the workers to demand an economic recovery plan to re-open and capitalize closed factories, to nationalize them under public control, to be run under democratic workers’ control.  And as they say in the occupied factory movement in Latin America: “A Factory Closed is a Factory Occupied!” A new leaflet from the WIL. Also available in Spanish.

[Leaflet] From Venezuela to Chicago: The labor leadership needs to mobilize the workers to demand an economic recovery plan to re-open and capitalize closed factories, to nationalize them under public control, to be run under democratic workers’ control. Our unions must take up the fight for a working class bailout – let the rich foot the bill! And as they say in the occupied factory movement in Latin America: “A Factory Closed is a Factory Occupied!”

A new leaflet from the WIL. Also available in Spanish.

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