Venezuela: Foiled assassination plot against trade union leader

On Monday, May 21, an armed person entered the EFE ice cream factory (part of the POLAR group) in Caracas and asked to see Abraham Rivas, the main trade union leader and a member of the Marxist tendency Lucha de Clases. When confronted about his suspicious behaviour by Abraham and other workers, he was found to be carrying a gun. He was also found to be carrying detailed personal information about comrade Abraham, including his picture, home address, the names of his children and even a photocopy of his company ID card. 

The workers took him to the nearest police headquarters in Chacao. He apparently confessed that he had been hired to carry out an attack against Abraham. Despite this, it seems that officers of the police said that there was not enough grounds to charge him. He named two others involved in this attempt, both of whom have been released.

The company was extremely worried about the role played by comrade Abraham in the unification of all the unions operating inside POLAR in one single federation. On Tuesday, workers from Helados EFE stopped work and demonstrated blockading the main highway outside the factory in Eastern Caracas.

We are still in the process of gathering more details about this case in order to organise a campaign.

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