USA: WIL Comrades Gather in Minnesota for 2nd Marxist National School

Over the weekend of May 28th and 29th, the Second National School of the Workers International League took place at Lake Elmo State Park and Reserve near Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. Nearly fifty comrades participated in two full days of intense discussions, with topics ranging from the world revolution to the need for a mass party of labor in the United States. Representation from the WIL branches around the country was broad, with comrades from Minnesota, Iowa, Madison, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey, Boston, Washington, DC, Dallas, Northern California, Florida, Idaho, in attendance, as well as visitors from Canada and Britain.

national_school_2011_crowdToting tents and sleeping bags, comrades traveled to Minnesota to discuss the U.S. and global class struggle, and how we can continue to build the WIL in the coming period. Convening in the North Shelter pavilion, the comrades held a full weekend of political discussions and workshops. Comrade Fred Weston of the International Marxist Tendency kicked off the weekend with a discussion of the Arab Revolution. John Peterson, National Secretary of the WIL, then led a discussion on the class struggle in the U.S. Throughout the course of the weekend, comrades contributed their viewpoints and shared ideas and experiences in discussions on the labor and student movements, the progress of the WIL since last year's National Congress, the role of the press and finances in a revolutionary organization.

A variety of meals were provided and attendees were able to socialize and participate in a number of friendly games and countless informal conversations.  At the end of each day, the comrades gathered around the campfire for even more lively political discussion--and s'mores!

Thirst for Marxist theory and confidence in the perspectives for the development of the WIL was reflected by the hundreds of dollars in political materials that were sold and that thousands of dollars that were raised toward the WIL Fighting Fund. Consider donating today --every penny counts and help us spread our ideas further!

In short, the weekend was an inspiring show of revolutionary internationalism, enthusiasm, and sincere commitment to the ideas of Marxism, and shows the gains the WIL is making around the country. Sound like something you'd like to get involved with? Contact the Workers International League and find out more about joining in the struggle for socialism!

Pictures by Kat Joo Mee Yoon.

Source: Socialist Appeal (USA)

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