USA: New York Mosque Controversy

Recently, TV and talk radio have been obsessed with stopping the construction of an “Islamic Center and Mosque” which will be located two blocks away from where the World Trade Center used to be. The right wing, including former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and NY Republican Gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio, have seized on this issue, attempting to gain political support...What Gingrich, Lazio, Reid and other right-wing commentators are practicing is a well known method known as “divide and rule.”

Recently, TV and talk radio have been obsessed with stopping the construction of an “Islamic Center and Mosque” which will be located two blocks away from where the World Trade Center used to be. The right wing, including former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and NY Republican Gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio, have seized on this issue, attempting to gain political support. Even Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid and former DNC chair Howard Dean have opposed it. Their message is that “Islam” attacked Americans on September 11, 2001, and therefore they should not be allowed to build a mosque on “sacred ground.” It should be noted that if the location two blocks away is sacred ground, a “sacred coat store” was formerly in the location where the Islamic Center wants to build.

What Gingrich, Lazio, Reid and other right-wing commentators are practicing is a well known method known as “divide and rule.” Like “divide and conquer,” “divide and rule” is a way to confuse the masses, to misdirect them from seeing who their real enemies are and send them against imaginary enemies. The richest one percent of the population owns more than the bottom 95%. In order to maintain this inequality, the richest one percent must keep the bottom 95% divided against each other and direct their anger against another target.

Therefore, they seek to pit Christian workers against Muslim workers. The ruling class wants workers to see that their lives are threatened by Islam, not by Capitalism. However, who is taking your job away? Who is cutting your pay and increasing your cost of health insurance? Who is repossessing your home? Is it the big corporations and banks or Islam?

Of course, the politicians are seeking votes, but they do not want to mobilize against their big business backers. They know many workers and middle class people are angry, therefore they must produce scapegoats, as in Arizona.

The labor movement must fight against any division of its ranks. A united working class is strong, while a divided class is weak. This demagogy has already led to one NYC taxi driver being stabbed by a customer who asked if he was a Muslim. More attacks could follow if the hatred continues to be spread.

The attacks of September 11 were a horrific event. However, we must remember that it was not “Islam,” but specifically the Al Qaeda group that was responsible. This group was born of the fundamentalist anti-Soviet movement funded directly by the CIA in the 1980s. Therefore, if they want to ban something, no CIA office should be allowed for hundreds of miles around NYC, Washington D.C. and Shanksville, PA.

Source: Socialist Appeal (USA)

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