United States

In order to understand the ideas of Marxism, it is first necessary to approach them without prejudice. This is difficult, because until now, the great majority of Americans have only heard of Marxism in connection with that monstrous caricature that was Stalinist Russia. Originally published in 2005 in the book Marxism and the USA, published by and available from Wellred.

The colossal potential of the United States is destined to play a decisive role in the future socialist world order. At the present moment in world history, the role of the USA on a world scale does not reflect its real potential for good, but only the rapacious greed of the big multinational companies that own America and control its actions in their own selfish interests. Originally published in 2005 in the book Marxism and the USA, published by and available from Wellred.

Ever since September 11, Americans have been trying to make sense of the kind of world that could produce such horrors. Suddenly all the contradictions in the world situation were brought home to bear in a most brutal manner. Originally published in 2005 in the book Marxism and the USA, published by and available from Wellred.

On the morning of Wednesday, November 8, some 50 Twin Cities residents rallied outside the Mexican Consulate in St. Paul, MN.  The protestors demanded that Ulises Ruiz be removed and that all power be transferred to the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO).

With the occupation of Iraq spiraling out of control and growing increasingly unpopular among the majority of Americans, military recruiting would seem to be as winning an endeavor as selling tickets to get on board a sinking ship. It therefore comes as no surprise that military recruiters have been falling well short of fulfilling their quotas.

This year's mid-term elections mark yet another change in the consciousness of the U.S. working class. Workers' consciousness is not fixed in stone. We can't have a one-sided approach to what is an infinitely complex process, especially in a country as rife with contradictions as the U.S. This brief, initial analysis will be followed by a series of articles in the coming days and weeks, which will examine various aspects of the elections and their aftermath.

Although they may differ with the Republicans on this or that secondary issue, on all fundamental questions, the Democrats consistently defend the interests of big business against the interests of working people. How could it be any other way? They are directly funded by the employing class and most of them are extraordinarily wealthy themselves.

With its 1.4 million members, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters could well be America’s strongest union. This fall, Teamster members will be able to vote for either Jimmy Hoffa Jr., current president of the Teamsters, or Tom Leedham. A victory for Leedham could potentially be a starting point to build a more militant union, run from the bottom up.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan take a toll out on workers both in the US and overseas. How much more can the world working class take?

This November, millions of American workers will go to the polls to exercise their democratic right to vote. But since in most cases this means selecting which of the two bosses' candidates will rule their district, millions of others will stay home, unable to stomach such "choices."

The Latin American Revolution is spreading like wildfire, posing a mortal threat to U.S. control over the region.  The masses in Venezuela and Bolivia continue to push the process forward, and now Mexico has joined the conflagration, threatening U.S. imperialism right in its own backyard.