Two Videos from Russia

To view these you may need to install the DivX codec. The first is footage from the May Day demonstrations. It is from the bourgeois media, and shows the contingent from the Revolutionary Workers' Party on the march. Click here to play in Real Player or here to open the video normally. The second is footage of the protests in Voronezh on April 11. It shows the official demonstration called by the unions and the Communist Party. However the mood of the protestors was of tremendous anger, which suddenly boiled over. On the video you can see an old woman gets on to the platform and grabs the microphone. Working class women can be seen protesting angrily to the TV commentator that they cannot pay the increase in rent. The mood of desperation is palpable. The people break through the police lines to storm the governor's office. Click here to play in Real Player or here to open video normally. To view these you may need to install the DivX codec. The first is footage from the May Day demonstrations. It is from the bourgeois media, and shows the contingent from the Revolutionary Workers' Party on the march. Click here to play in Real Player or here to open the video normally. The second is footage of the protests in Voronezh on April 11. It shows the official demonstration called by the unions and the Communist Party. However the mood of the protestors was of tremendous anger, which suddenly boiled over. On the video you can see an old woman gets on to the platform and grabs the microphone. Working class women can be seen protesting angrily to the TV commentator that they cannot pay the increase in rent. The mood of desperation is palpable. The people break through the police lines to storm the governor's office. Click here to play in Real Player or here to open video normally.

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