Turkey: Tekel workers to start hunger strike

The Tekel workers in Turkey are starting a hunger strike today at 16.00 pm Turkish time in Ankara. They are requesting messages of solidarity from workers and students, intellectuals from all over the world. The message we received and forwarded below was a great source of inspiration for the workers. Please send more.

Solidarity message by the Left Students Union of Stockholm

"Carry on the struggle! You have thousands and thousands of fellow working class brothers and sisters all around the world who stand by your side. Your victory will be ours too. Keep it up comrades.

Left Students Union of Stockholm / Vänsterns studentförbund Stockholm"

Please send messages of solidarity and support to editor@marxist.com. We will pass on these messages to the Tekel workers.

See also: 12,000 Tekel workers to go on death fast in the heart of Turkey?

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