The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution (Draft Platform for the Proletarian Party) Index THE TASKS OF THE PROLETARIAT IN OUR REVOLUTION (DRAFT PLATFORM FOR THE PROLETARIAN PARTY) THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT THE PECULIAR NATURE OF THE DUAL POWER AND ITS CLASS SIGNIFICANCE THE PECULIAR NATURE OF THE TACTICS WHICH FOLLOW FROM THE ABOVE REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCISM AND ITS CLASS SIGNIFICANCE HOW CAN THE WAR BE ENDED? A NEW TYPE OF STATE EMERGING FROM OUR REVOLUTION THE AGRARIAN AND NATIONAL PROGRAMMES NATIONALISATION OF THE BANKS AND CAPITALIST SYNDICATES THE SITUATION WITHIN THE SOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL THE COLLAPSE OF THE ZIMMERWALD INTERNATIONAL — THE NEED FOR FOUNDING A THIRD INTERNATIONAL WHAT SHOULD BE THE NAME OF OUR PARTY—ONE THAT WILL BE CORRECT SCIENTIFICALLY AND HELP TO CLARIFY THE MIND OF THE PROLETARIAT POLITICALLY? POSTSCRIPT ALL PAGES 1917 V.I Lenin Workers' Struggles Soviet Power Page 9 of 13NATIONALISATION OF THE BANKS AND CAPITALIST SYNDICATES15. Under no circumstances can the party of the proletariat set itself the aim of “introducing” socialism in a country of small peasants so long as the overwhelming majority of the population has not come to realise the need for a socialist revolution.But only bourgeois sophists, hiding behind “near-Marxist” catchwords, can deduce from this truth a justification of the policy of postponing immediate revolutionary measures, the time for which is fully ripe; measures which have beenfrequently resorted to during the war by a number of bourgeois states, and which are absolutely indispensable in order to combat impending total economic disorganisation and famine.Such measures as the nationalisation of the land, of all the banks and capitalist syndicates, or, at least, the immediateestablishment of the control of the Soviets of Workers’ Deputies, etc., over them—measures which do not in any way constitute the “introduction” of socialism—must be absolutely insisted on, and, whenever possible, carried out in a revolutionary way. Without such measures, which are only steps towards socialism, and which are perfectly feasible economically, it will be impossible to heal the wounds caused by the war and to avert the impending collapse; and the party of the revolutionary proletariat will never hesitate to lay hands on the fabulous profits of the capitalists and bankers, who are enriching themselves on the war in a particularly scandalous manner. Prev Next