The Organisation of a Commission of Practitioners

Written December 28 (15), 1917.

The Council of People’s Commissars directs the Supreme Economic Council to organise immediately a Commission of Practitioners to be charged with collecting orders for useful products from all departments, institutions and organisations, passing these orders on to factories that are at a standstill or are being closed down, and checking to what extent these orders are being passed on and carried out. The Commission, guided by the general economic plan of the Supreme Economic Council, is to submit to the Council of People’s Commissars revolutionary measures for the immediate fulfilment of its task and report on its activities twice a week.


{1} This draft was submitted by Lenin and adopted at a meeting of the C.P.C. on December 15 (28), 1917 during the discussion of the question of work stoppage at the Putilov Works; it was published as a decree of the C.P.C. in the Gazeta Vreinennogo Rabochego i Krestyanskogo Pravitelsiva No. 35, under the heading “The Organisation of a Commission of Practitioners”.


Source: Marxist Internet Archive.