Are you a communist?

Are you a communist? Do you look around at the state of the world and think, “we need a revolution”? If so, you need to get organised today. The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) has official groups and sections in around 40 countries, and members and sympathisers in many, many more. If you get in touch with us today, the chances are that we can put you in touch with other communists in your area. So click here and join us.

A recent poll conducted by the Fraser Institute in the UK, US, Australia and Canada, found that 29 percent, 20 percent, 20 percent and 13 percent of 18-34 year olds in those countries respectively regard communism as the “ideal economic system”. Had these polls been conducted elsewhere, no doubt they would have revealed similar figures all over the globe.

This means that there are literally millions of potential communists on every continent. But being a communist isn’t just about agreeing with communist ideas. As Marx explained, “the philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.” The capitalist class will not give up their power voluntarily. And as capitalism drags the world towards an abyss of war, impoverishment, hunger, and above all climate catastrophe, we know that we are in a race against time – a race to organise these millions of others into a fighting organisation that can overthrow the capitalist system and finally build a communist future for humanity: a future worthy of human beings.

We have made exceptional progress in recent years. But now we need your help to achieve this task. Get in touch and we will put you in contact with a branch of the IMT near you. The revolution needs you – join us!

Our editorial team are regularly updating the following feed, consisting of reports of the work of our comrades on every continent, to give you a flavour of the kind of activity IMT comrades are engaged in around the globe.

This week’s special episode was recorded during the recent meeting of the global leadership of the International Marxist Tendency in Italy. We hear reports from the front lines of the class struggle from five leading comrades involved in building revolutionary communist organisations in: South Africa, Argentina, Pakistan, France and the United States.

“This is a rebirth, a renaissance!” These words, spoken by Alan Woods, leading theoretician of the IMT, encapsulated the mood at a recent meeting of our International Executive Committee (IEC) in Italy. A significant stratum of workers and youth are reaching out to grasp the banner of communism with both hands – we must turn decisively outwards to meet them by building a Revolutionary Communist International.

The last four years have been the most turbulent in the history of Swiss capitalism. It is only a matter of time before major social movements emerge. There are already thousands of mostly young people who are waiting to take up the fight against capitalism. Communists must draw the necessary conclusions from this: it is time to found the Revolutionary Communist Party!

The new paper from the Marxists in Britain is out now! The Communist is a revolutionary weapon, wielded by a red army of comrades that is on the march. Join us today, and help build The Communist and the Revolutionary Communist Party!

As of the start of January, the first issue of Revolução is now out! This is the paper of Colectivo Marxista, the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) in Portugal. The paper Revolução will become an important tool for spreading communist ideas in Portugal.

This week sees the release of the final ever edition of Socialist Appeal, the paper of the British section of the International Marxist Tendency. After three decades and 400 issues, our primary publication is giving way to a bold, exciting new paper: The Communist. Join us today, and help build the revolutionary press.

A new generation of young people is shedding the illusions of capitalism and moving towards communism. But without organisation we can do nothing. In order to gather the forces of real communism, our Swedish comrades are launching the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP).

The Canadian section of the IMT has announced the relaunch of its newspaper under the banner: Communist Revolution. This bold new publication comes off the back of the explosive growth of the IMT in Canada over the recent period, and lays the foundation for the launch of a new Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) at this year’s Montreal Marxist Winter School in February. We publish below the comrades’ announcement and explanation of the need for a revolutionary communist newspaper in Canada today.

In early November, one thousand attendees gathered in London for this year’s Revolution Festival – the school of communism. To commemorate this landmark event, Rob Sewell looks back at the communist history and traditions upon which we base ourselves today.

On the weekend of 4 and 5 November, der Funke, the Swiss section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), held its 2023 Marxist Autumn School. The theme of this year’s school was The Road to Communism, and the weekend proved that communists have a plan and are bursting with drive.

On 4-5 November, the national congress of the Brazilian section of the IMT took place. The congress was tasked with evaluating the development of the organisation, the developing political situation, and the success of the “are you a communist?” campaign. In light of this, the organisation decided to change its name. Previously Esquerda Marxista (Marxist Left), the Brazilian section of the IMT is now called the Internationalist Communist Organisation!

The forces of Marxism in Canada are on a mission to organize the millions of people in Canada who say communism—not just socialism—is the best economic system. We have to thank the right-wing Fraser Institute for alerting us to this in their recent survey.