Commemoration meeting of Ted Grant in Mexico

On Friday July 21st, 40 comrades of Militante, the Mexican section of the International Marxist Tendency, gathered at the house of that great martyr of the working class, Leon Trotsky, to say goodbye to one of the great revolutionaries who, like the classical Marxists dedicated his life to the revolution: Ted Grant.

Commemoration meeting of Ted Grant in MexicoOn Friday July 21st, 40 comrades of Militante, the Mexican section of the International Marxist Tendency, gathered at the house of that great martyr of the working class, Leon Trotsky, to say goodbye to one of the great revolutionaries who, like the classical Marxists dedicated his life to the revolution: Ted Grant.

Leon Trotsky's grandson, Esteban Volkov, heir of a great revolutionary tradition was present at this commemoration meeting.

Commemoration meeting of Ted Grant in MexicoThe comrades were there to rededicate themselves to the ideas that Ted had given his life to. The struggle for socialism today is more urgent than ever, as our comrade used to say. And although the great majority of those present had never met Ted, we know him deeply because it was through his political writings that our orientation in the movement was developed. Although he was far away, his thinking was always like a fresh breeze in the middle of the desert.

In a speech that was read out we reconfirmed our dedication to what this great man fought for and we think that the best way to remember him is to fight unrelentingly to build the party of the world revolution.

From the Mexican section of the Marxist International Tendency we grieve with all of Ted Grant's comrades and we commit ourselves to take up his ideas as a banner in the struggle for the transformation of society.

Commemoration meeting of Ted Grant in Mexico

Commemoration meeting of Ted Grant in Mexico

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