War and Revolution - A lecture delivered May 27 (14) "Nothing but a workers’ revolution in several countries can defeat this war." A LECTURE DELIVERED MAY 14 (27), 1917. First published April 23, 1929 in Pravda No. 93
Statements About the War Made By Our Party Before the Revolution 'Our slogan is: against the chauvinists, even if they are revolutionary and republican—against them, and for an alliance of the international proletariat for the socialist revolution.'Published in Pravda No. 56, May 26 (13), 1917.
Speech at a Meeting at the Putilov Works May 25 (12), 1917 'Seizure of power by the workers and the peasants could solve our country’s most pressing problems'. (Brief newspaper report)
On the Question of Convening an International, So-Called Socialist Conference Jointly with the Social-Chauvinists 'Our Party will take no part either in the commission or in any joint conference with so-called socialist ministers who have gone over to their bourgeoisie.'published May 25 (12), 1917 in Pravda No. 55.
Nothing Has Changed Published: Pravda No. 54, May 24 (11), 1917.'What do you take the class-conscious workers and soldiers for? Or do you really regard them as “rebellious slaves”?'
An Open Letter to the Delegates to the All-Russia Congress of Peasants’ Deputies Published May 24 (11), 1917 in the newspaper Soldatskaya Pravda No. 19.
One of the Secret Treaties Published in Pravda No. 53, May 23 (10), 1917.'Soldiers and workers! You are told that you are defending “freedom” and the “revolution”! In reality you are defending the shady treaties of the tsar, which are concealed from you as one conceals a secret disease.'
A Regrettable Deviation From the Principles of Democracy 'Democracy will remain an idle deceitful phrase, or merely a half-measure, unless the entire people is given a chance immediately and unqualifiedly to learn how to handle arms.' Written May 23 (10), 1917; published in Pravda No. 55 May 25 (12).
The ''Virtual Armistice'' Published in Pravda No. 52, May 22 (9), 1917.Novaya Zhizn for May 7 publishes interviews with ministers of the ''new'' government. Prime Minister Lvov has declared that ''the country must have its weighty say and send its army into battle''.This is the sum and substance of the new government’s ''programme''. An offensive, an offensive, an offensive!
Mandate to Deputies of the Soviet Elected at Factories and Regiments Written before May 7 (20), 1917.
Already the “New” Government is Lagging Behind Even the Peasant Mass, Leave Alone the Revolutionary Workers Published in Pravda No. 50, May 19 (6), 1917.