Statement of Split from the People's Democratic Party (PRD)

Today, we the Democratic Socialist Faction, a faction inside the People's Democratic Party, declare to split from the People's Democratic Party (PRD). We do hope that this split will give a new way for strengthening revolutionary movement in Indonesia, considering the fact that the internal conflict in the PRD has lead to fundamental difference and accordingly irreconcilable.

Today, we the Democratic Socialist Faction, a faction inside the People's Democratic Party, declare to split from the People's Democratic Party (PRD). We do hope that this split will give a new way for strengthening revolutionary movement in Indonesia, considering the fact that the internal conflict in the PRD has lead to fundamental difference and accordingly irreconcilable. This internal conflict has occurred after the fall of Suharto and is still happening now. We the Democratic Socialist Faction consider that the upheaval of this internal conflict is essentially because of the absence of internal democracy. Democratic centralism as organizational basic principle for providing tool in order to settle all the political disagreement within the party through ideological debate has been misused and misinterpreted. Scientific and in-depth debate and democracy has been subordinated to bureaucracy, authority, procedure and discipline. Centralism and bureaucratism has been made a main principle. Blind obedience has been used as model for party members and replaced criticism. Different view and opinion has been considered in disciplinary and accordingly has to be eliminated and expelled in an undemocratic way.

This absolutely does not mean that we have not waged internal struggle for change. We have done this through factional struggle. However, again our struggle was blockaded by bureaucratism and ant criticism. At last we come to the conclusion that the differences are very principle and fundamental, namely Democracy against Bureaucratism.

We have also significant differences regarding the strategy and tactics taken by the party in responding objective situation, particularly with the installation of the bourgeois Wahid government, increase of resistance in Aceh and West Papua, party building perspective, party paper, woman liberation and the perspective of building international struggles.

As we consider that the differences cannot be put in one organ, we finally find out that split is inevitable, and is most democratic and healthy way. We never see split as something to regret or cry for. We even see it as the way for securing and developing the revolutionary movement. So that we will not be burdened by undemocratic internal struggles instead can concentrate in waging each struggles based on each strategy and tactics.

For the split, we declare the following differences with majority of the PRD leadership:

  • a. The decision making process in PRD has turn into a bureaucratic manner which put the mechanism and authority of leadership as the priority. The mechanism has become something principal rather than guide to effective action and implementation of a decision.
  • b. Democratic centralism has converted into unhealthy and bureaucratic centralism. All the political disagreement mainly be revolved by absolute authority of the central leadership which in turn imposed through the rules of subordination of the minority to majority, as well as how to directing work form the PRD leadership with blind loyalty.
  • c. The party building perspective has been neglected. In the Extraordinary Congress in October 1999, the PRD has put party building strategy as the priority. In reality, the PRD has taken position in spending the whole party energy and resources in confronting and attacking the remnants of New Order forces and the false reformists. This practices has disrupt the party for expansion and recruiting new members. We the Democratic Socialist Faction do not oppose the tactic of attacking them. The most principle however is how this tactic does not neglect or ignore the party building project.
  • d. The PRD position toward Gus Dur administration is far from the party's vision. In the national political situation analysis, the PRD says that Gus Dur administration has fought for democracy and Gus Dur administration is one element that consistently fights against the remnants of New Order Regime. The PRD does not also include Gus Dur as the false reformist. Base on this reason, the PRD decides to only attacking the remnants of the New Order rather than the Gus Dur administration. We consider that Gus Dur has even given space and opportunity for the revival of the remnants of the New Order by not putting Suharto and his cronies to trial, make collaboration with faction in the military, make coalition with the Golkar, submission to the IMF and the WB, and the Gus Dur administration even has bred the KKN.
  • e. The party's newspaper, the Pembebasan (Liberation) is not made priority, as the center of party's activity. The party newspaper is even subordinated to one subordination of the party works. Majority of the leadership has not any seriousness in selling paper as the priority and organizing activity..
  • f. The PRD has put the labor movement in the non-priority area. Instead, PRD has put the urban poor as the major forces for the mobilization in confronting the enemies. We consider that in such situation, worker organizing must be a priority for attacking the neo liberal regime, in which the workers are oppressed, as well as for changing the composition of the party membership which so far dominated by students and urban poor, in order to build revolutionary tradition of workers in the party.
  • g. The PRD has deeply fall into sectarianism through their political practice. The PRD doesn't consider another left groups as the significant forces in the struggle for socialism.
  • h. There's no clear theoretical clarity in the PRD, so it creates confusion in responding the new political landscape in Indonesia.
  • i. The PRD is chauvinist in responding the resistances in Aceh and West Papua. For the PRD, the resistance from Papuans and Acehnese is just the local upheaval, it doesn't relate to national question.
  • j. Opportunism in the international solidarity movement, in which the international solidarity for the PRD means that 'what you can do for us in building our movement.'
  • k. The struggle of women liberation has been put into non priority area, PRD make an apology that women liberation struggle has been integrated into the struggle for democracyAs the way it is, split from the PRD for us means that we are going to build the new political organization as vehicle for our struggle. For this, we have established an organization called Democratic Socialist Association - Perhimpunan Demokratik Sosialis ( PDS ).

We reaffirm the following principles as the principles of PDS :

1. The principle of scientific socialism as the theoretical foundations

2. The principle of democratic centralism, which is opposed to bureaucratism and anarchy in the organization

3. The principle of open socialist organization

4. The principle of revolutionary and progressive character of the struggle for socialism

5. The principle of internationalism and solidarity of working class

6. The principle of feminismThe Democratic Socialist Association is an association open to whosoever committed to struggle for scientific and democratic socialism.We call on all revolutionary forces in Indonesia to join the march of the struggle for the liberation of the oppressed peopleWe call on all revolutionary forces worldwide to welcome us and to make collaboration in the spirit of internationalism

Finally, we call on the people of Indonesia to line up and unite in the struggle against neo authoritarianism. Jakarta, November 14th 2000, Signed by:

1. Coen Husain Pontoh ; Former Member of SMID Manado (1994-1995), Head of the Dept. of Education and Propaganda of the National Peasant Union - STN (1995-1996), Former Head Komite Sukses Pemilu Central - KSPP (1999), Member of the Dept. of Education of the KPP PRD (1999-2000). Has been imprisoned in Surabaya (1996-1999)

2. Dhyta Caturani ; Former Member of SMID Yogyakarta (1995-1997), Staf of the Dept. of International Relation (1999), Victim of Shooting in July 1, 1999 incident in KPU, Former Member of the Dept. of People's Struggle and the International Collective of the KPP PRD (1999-2000)

3. Hendri Kuok ; Former Member of SMID Yogyakarta (1994-1996), Former Head of the Dept. of International Relation of SMID (1996-1997), Former representative of the PRD in Australia (1996-1998), Former Head of the Preparatory Committee for Legalization of the PRD - KEPAL PRD (1998), Former Head of the Dept. of International Relation of the PRD (1998-1999), Former representative of the PRD in the National Election Commission - KPU (1999), Former Member of the Dept. of Education and International Collective of the KPP PRD (1999-2000).

4. Ida Nashim Muhammad ; Former student organizer in Manado (1982-1994), Former SMID Board in Manado (1994-1997), Former Urban Poor organizer in Jabotabek (1997-1998), Former Secretary of the KPP PRD (1998-1999), and the Former Member of the Dept. of People's Struggle of the KPP PRD (1999-2000).

5. Lucia Fransisca ; Former Member of SMID Jabotabek (1995-1996), Former Board member of the National Peasant Union (1996), Former organizer of Urban Poor in Jabotabek (1997-1998), Former Member of the Dept. of People's Struggle of the KPP PRD (1999-2000). Also Former Member of KPK PRD Bogor (2000)

6. Muhammad Ma'ruf ; Former Member of SMID Yogyakarta (1994-1995), Former Editor of Suara Massa of SMID (1995-1996), Former Chief Editor of Pembebasan (1996-2000) and the Member of the Dept. of Literature of the KPP PRD (1999-2000).

7. Mugiyanto ; Former Member of SMID Yogyakarta (1994-1996), Worker Organizer in Tandes Surabaya (1996), Former representative of the PRD in Europe (1998-1999), Member of the Dept. of Education and International Collective of the KPP PRD (1999-2000), Victim of Involuntary Disappearance perpetrated by the Kopassus (March 1998) and jailed for 3 months in Jakarta (March-June 1998).

8. Agung Nugroho ; Former Head of SMID ISIIP-chapter Jabotabek (1995-1996), Former organizer of Urban Poor in Jabotabek (1997-1998), Former Secretary of KPW PRD Jabotabek (1998-1999), Former Member of the Dept. of People's Struggle KPP PRD (1999-2000)

9. Angel Intan S : Former Member of the KPW Jabotabel student sector (1999-2000)

10. Ashep Nurdin ; Former Member of KPW Jabotabek student sector (1999-2000)

11. Bagus Armanusa ; Former Member of KPW Jabotabek student sector (1999-2000)

12. Yogi : Former Member of SMID Palu (1996), Former Organizer of Urban Poor Jabotabek (1997), Former Secretary of KPW Jabotabek (1999-2000)

13. Ety Sunarty : Former Organizer of Workers and Students (1996-1998), Former Head of KPW PRD Jabotabek (1998-1999).

14. Harianto (Gepeng) : Former Member of PRD student sector (1999-2000)

15. Ito ; Former Member of KPW Jabotabek student sector (1999-2000)

16. Jimmy : Former Member of PPD II Kodya Tanggerang (1999), Former Member of KPW Jabotabek (1999-2000)

17. J.P. Indra ; Former Secretary of SMID ISIIP-chapter Jabotabek (1996-1997), Former Head of Dept. of Education and Information of the National Committee of Struggle for Democracy (KNPD) (1997-1998), Former Member of KPW Jabotabek student sector,

18. Kurniatun : Former Member of PRD and the worker organizer in North Jakarta (1998-2000)

19. Muhamad Husni ; Former Head of the KPK Central Jakarta

20. Muhlis : Former Member of PRD, student sector (1999-2000)

21. Parjono : Former Coordinator of the Dept. of People's Struggle of KPK PRD West Jakarta (1999-2000)

22. Radi Apriyanto (Popon) ; Former Secretary of KPK East Jakarta (1999-2000)

23. Roni Rosa ; Former Staff of the KSPP (1999), Former BADKO II of KPW Jabotabek (1999-2000)

24. Syah Dinihari ; Former Head of SMID in UID (1996), Coordinator of Students PRD Jabotabek (1997-1998), Member of the Organization Dept. KPK PRD East Jakarta (1999), DEM KSPK PRD East Jakarta (1999), Former Secretary of KPK East Jakarta (1999), Former BADKO I of KPW Jabotabek (1999-2000)


1. SMID : Student in Solidarity for Democracy in Indonesia, affiliated to the PRD

2. KPP PRD : Central Leadership Committee of the PRD

3. KPW : Regional Leadership Committee of the PRD

4. KPK : Municipal Leadership Committee of the PRD

5. STN : National Peasant Union

6. BADKO : Coordinating Body, PRD structure in regional level covering some municipalities.

7. KSPP : National Committee for the Success of the PRD in the Election

8. KSPK : Municipal Committee for the Success of the PRD in the Election Municipal level

9. DEM : Electoral Machine department, department in the KSPP

10. Jabotabek : The regional showing the extended city in Jakarta including Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi

Clarification by the PRD on the reported 'split'

[The following statement was issued by the Central Leadership Committee of the People's Democratic Party (KPP-PRD) following the November 14 announcement by six former party leaders that they had formed the Democratic Socialist Association (Perhimpunan Demokratik Sosalis, PDS).

The six were expelled from the PRD following a National Presidium meeting held in Jakarta, November 11-14.]

Viva Democracy!

In relation to the formation of the PDS on November 14, which was established by a number of former members of the Central Leadership Committee of the PRD (KPP-PRD), the [current] KPP-PRD has issued the following statement to clarify the matter:

1. Reports by a number of newspapers that there has been a 'split' within the PRD is incorrect. What occurred was the dismissal of a number of members of the KPP-PRD. This dismissal was a result of a decision by the Sixth National Presidium of the PRD (leadership meeting) which was organised on November 11-14 in Jakarta. The National Presidium is made up of the national and regional leadership bodies of the PRD. The following members were dismissed:

1. Ir. Coen Husuein Pontoh (KPP-PRD Education Department)

2. Hendrianto Kuok, SH (KPP-PRD Training Department and International Relations Collective)

3. Mugiyanto (KPP-PRD Training Department and International Relations Collective)

4. Ida Nasim Mh (KPP-PRD People's Struggle Department)

5. Dyta Caturani (KPP-PRD People's Struggle Department and International Relations Collective and International Relations Collective)

6. Muhamad Ma'ruf (KPP-PRD Literary Department)

The KPP-PRD members who were dismissed were given the right to defend themselves at the Presidium, however, as of 10am, November 14, not one of them had arrived [to do so]. Then on the same day, at 2pm, they [publicly] announced the formation of the PDS [at a press conference at the Indonesian Family Planning Association offices in Jakarta].

Before they were dismissed, they were given a verbal reprimand, a written reprimand and even suspended from the KPP-PRD so that they could return to carrying out their obligations as members of the KPP-PRD. But all of these procedures which were tried failed. As a result, in the end the KPP-PRD recommended to the Presidium members that they dismiss those KPP-PRD members who had been negligent in carrying out their obligations. [After consideration] the members of the Presidium agreed [with the recomendation] to dismiss them.They were dismissed based on decision Number PN-PRD/VI-00/008-014. The dismissal was carried out because they had failed to carry out the tasks as mandated by the PRD's Second Special Congress (KLB II PRD) which held in October 1999. They [therefore] violated Paragraph 20, Article 2 of the PRD's Constitution which states: 'All members must carry out the assignments and responsibilities given to them by the People's Democratic Party (PRD)'.

2. The PRD's attitude towards the government of Gus Dur [President Aburrahman Wahid] is clear: we have never compromised with the policies of Gus Dur's government which will clearly further harm [ordinary Indonesian] people (which can be seen in each and every statement and leaflet which we have produced during the government of Gus Dur). Since February, there have been scores of actions which we have organised at the national and regional levels; there have been scores of statements which we have released, hundreds of thousands of leaflets criticising the government of Gus Dur'politically, economically and legally. We have endlessly criticised Gus Dur for enacting neo-liberal economic policies, for failing to try [former President] Suharto, for failing to try the perpetrators of human rights violations and for not solving cases of corruption. Therefore this is an argument which it is incorrect and has been fabricated by founders of the PDS [in order to claim] that the PDS was formed because the PRD is not critical or was not clear [in its attitude] towards the government of Gus Dur.

The PRD's current program is [in accordance with] the mandate of the KLB II PRD. This program was also agreed to by the PDS members who also attended the congress - which is the highest [decision making] body of the party.

The PRD's program at the moment is to abolish the remnants of the New Order regime - the [former ruling state party] Golkar, militarism and the corrupt bureaucracy - and abandon the fake reformers.

3. The second reason given for the formation of the PDS is that the PRD has become bureaucratic and centralised and restricted their wishes. This is not true. Mechanisms within the PRD hold democracy in the highest esteem. The decision of the central leadership of the PRD was based on input from the party's leaders at the village, ward, city and regional levels. Each month a National Presidium is held which involves PRD leaders at the regional level.

Before the National Presidium the regional leaders of the PRD must hold a regional meeting which involves PRD leaders from the city level. Before this regional meeting, the PRD leadership at the city level must hold a meeting which involves PRD leaders at the ward level. So at the National Leadership Meeting of the PRD which followed brought with it input and reports by PRD members from the lowest levels. This is the mechanism:

1. The democratic forums, in discussing [the party's] program and strategy consider responses, criticisms, suggestions and so on at a number of organisational levels: The Congress, The National Council, The National Presidium, Regional conferences, City level conferences, Ward level conferences, Village level conferences

Meeting procedures:

National Working Meeting (Article 21, Paragraph 5 of the PRD's Constitution)

National Leadership Meetings (Article 22, Paragraph 5)

Regional Leadership Meetings (Article 23, Paragraph 5)

City [level] Leadership Meetings (Article 24, Paragraph 5)

Ward [level] Leadership Meetings (Article 25, Paragraph 5)

Village [level] Leadership Meetings (Article 26, Paragraph 5)

Work place meetings (Article 27, Paragraph 5)

2. These forums also took the decision that the Presidium Meeting would start at the national, regional down to the city level where it is attended by the chairperson and secretary (regional or city).

4. For six months or more the [former members of the] KPP-PRD which established the PDS were not active. So their argument for establishing the PDS - that the PRD is not critical of the Gus Dur government and the development of bureaucracy and centralism within the party - is clearly spurious. During this period they were never involved in discussions held by KPP-PRD - plenary meetings, PRD National Executive meetings or departmental meetings - so they [were not present to take part in these meetings or use them] to make criticisms of the party. In practice they did not carry out their assignments as members of the KPP-PRD. And because of this inactivity they were clearly unable to be informed of the dynamics within the party itself.

5. In the present democratic atmosphere, we support the formation of the PDS to enliven the existing [democratic] discourse. Now is the time for the PDS to take responsibility in carrying out their ideological, political, economic, legal and socio-cultural program. We are ready to work jointly with the PDS and other organisations which have the same platform as us.

Abolish remnants of the New Order!

Abandon the fake reformers!

Jakarta, November 17, 2000

Central Leadership Committee of the People's Democratic Party

s/- Budiman Sudjatmiko Chairperson

Petrus H. Hariyanto General Secretary

[Translated by James Balowski, ASIET publications and information officer.]

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