Message of Solidarity with Mexican Marxists from Nigerian Comrades

Marxists in Nigeria find inspiration in the struggle of the Mexican masses and the intervention of the Mexican Marxists.

Marxists in Nigeria find inspiration in the struggle of the Mexican masses and the intervention of the Mexican Marxists.

Fraternal Greetings to you Martyr of our time. It is with great interest and support that we comrades from Nigeria have been following the developments in Mexico.

You have demonstrated it most loudly that real, genuine and courageous human beings still exist; that the scourge of capitalism has not successfully or completely wiped out responsible human beings off the planet earth.

We regularly discuss the events going on there in every gathering of our comrades and I must honestly confess, you are a source of great encouragement and hope for us, your brothers and sisters here in Nigeria.

The comrades are saying big thank you to you for waking us up, for giving us hope and for convincing us that there is light at the end of a tunnel.

The present struggle is between a bright future and the dark past; between progress and backwardness and between success and obvious failure. You have dared to struggle, you will sure win.


For:Campaign For Workers And Youth Alternative,


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