The Foreign Policy of the Russian Revolution "The foreign policy of the capitalists and the petty bourgeoisie is “alliance” with the imperialists, that is, disgraceful dependence on them. The foreign policy of the proletariat is alliance with the revolutionaries of the advanced countries and with all the oppressed nations against all and any imperialists."
The Petty-Bourgeois Stand on the Question of Economic Disorganisation "Is it not ridiculous to appeal to a capitalist state to take action against “predatory capitalists”?"
Capitalist Mockery of the People "Unemployment is spreading. There is a shortage of goods. The peasants cannot part with their grain without getting anything in return. Famine is imminent. All this because of the capitalists, who are in collusion with the government!"
The Shameful Menshevik-Narodnik Bloc with Yedinstvo "Workers and soldiers! All toiling people! Not a single vote to the Narodniks and Mensheviks, who are trying to drag in the “social-imperialists”!"
The Dark Forces Are For the Cadets, the Mensheviks and Narodniks Are in One Government With the Cadets "Workers and soldiers, all toiling people! Not a single vote to the Cadets, not a single vote to the Mensheviks and Narodniks!"
“Sleight of Hand” and Unprincipled Politicians "Workers and soldiers! Not one vote to the bloc of the Narodniks and Mensheviks, who are shielding and working for Yedinstvo, which is “in unity with the liberal bourgeoisie”!"
Bolshevism and “Demoralisation” of the Army "Bolsheviks are calling the proletariat, the poor peasants and all the toiling and exploited people to a conscious revolutionary struggle, and not to riots and disturbances."
Meeting of the Petrograd Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. (Bolsheviks) First published in 1925 in the journal Krasnaya Letopis (Red Annals) No. 3 (14).
For Lack of a Clean Principled Weapon They Snatch at a Dirty One Published in Pravda No. 68, June 10 (May 28), 1917.
Counter-Revolution Takes the Offensive (“Jacobins Without the People”) "Workers and soldiers! All toiling people! The counter revolution of the landowners and capitalists is assuming the offensive. Not a single vote for a single government party, for any parties participating in the government!"
Reports on the Economic Debacle "They all admit that an unheard-of catastrophe is inevitable. But they do not understand the main thing—that only the revolutionary class can save the country."
The Capitalists Must Be Exposed An “orgy of pillage”—no other words can describe the behaviour of the capitalists during the war.